2018 Symposium on the Future of Libraries

February 9 - 13, 2018 Denver, Colorado

Provided below is a linked list to 2018 Symposium on the Future of Libraries sessions with FREE access to slides and audio. A special thank you to session presenters for granting permission for the recording and sharing of their sessions.

Hyperlinks direct to the session's page in the Meeting Scheduler. Using the "Login" link in the upper right, simply login with your ALA username and password (free to create for members and non-members).

Visit the 2018 Midwinter Meeting site for the complete schedule of Symposium Sessions.

Advocating for Ourselves: Does Our Profession's Survival Depend on Public Service Loan Forgiveness (PSLF) Program Policy Support?

Kyra Hahn

Alexa, What Does Library AI Look Like in the Future?

Twila Camp & Tim Smith

Blockchain, Open Civic Data, and TV WhiteSpace - Three New Projects

Sandra Hirsh, Sue Alman, Toby Greenwalt, & Kristen Rebmann

The Chattanooga Memory Project: Using Technology to Bring Chattanooga's History to Life

Corrine Hill & Chris Cummings

A Collaborative Future for Libraries, Museums, and More: Chicago Collections and Lifelong Learning Across the Community

Scott Walter

Do Space: Technology for Everyone

Rebecca Stavick

Equity-Driven Services and Programs: Exploring Alternative Information Services at the Library

Viviana Casillas & Yanira Duarte

Every Day Literacy: South Carolina's Toolbox for Library Resources

Denise Lyons

F3: Fine-Free Future

Sarah Houghton, Peter Bromberg, & Gretchen Caserotti

The Front Lines of Intellectual Freedom - Protecting Your Pages with Policy

Helen Adams, Valerie Nye, April Dawkins, Lisa Errico, Kristin Pekoll, & Jean Duncan McFarren

The Future of Learning in Public Libraries

Amy Koester, Christy Estrovitz, April Mazza, & Maggie Jacobs

Immersive and Interactive Virtual Reality in Academic and Medical Libraries

Tania Bardyn, Peter Schreiner, & Gili Meerovitch

Is Your Library STEM Ready?

Keliann LaConte, Rob Jakubowski, & Annette Shtivelband

It's Your Future - Get Ready for It Now!

Caitlin Williams

Libraries as Community Partners in the Workforce Development System

Elizabeth Iaukea & Tammy Westergard

Libraries in the Age of Extended Reality: Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Mixed Reality (MR)

Ken Fujiuchi & Joseph Riggie

Libraries Ready to Code from Research to Practice

Marijke Visser, Paula Langsam, Linda Braun, Joe Sanchez, Kristin Brumbach, & Juan Rubio