YALSA Academy

YALSA Academy

Providing Excellence in Teen Services through Micro-Learning

YALSA Academy is YALSA’s online educational video iproject with short training videos on a range of teen services topics. All completely free of charge. The videos are created by school and public teen librarians and library staff from around the country. Videos are posted to YALSA Academy YouTube channel and on YALSA’s other social media outlets.

YALSA Academy is on the spot learning. Created by and for library staff, the videos focus on practical teen services issues. Videos cover a wide variety of topics including social media, technology tools, programming, advocacy, collection development, customer service, professional development and more.

Academy Videos: How to Get Involved

Interested in becoming a YALSA producer? Check out our video guidelines and watch our introductory video.

[video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YrOjpbSpgY ]

YALSA members and nonmembers are eligible to submit a video. The intended audiences of the videos are: young adult librarians, school librarians, library support staff, teachers, administrators, technology staff working with teens and educators, and any literacy-focused professional who works directly with teens and tweens.


What happens after I submit my video?

To make sure that there is consistency in the videos and a variety of topics covered, videos will first be submitted to YALSA to be reviewed. All videos will be reviewed and the producer will be contacted about what revisions need to be made to the content.

What types of programs should I use to create my videos/screencasts?

There are multiple programs that you can use to create videos for YALSA Academy. You can make a video on your smartphone or using a digital camera. Or you can use free (or low cost) video creation software such as MovieMaker, iMovie, or Animoto.

Are there free editing programs I can use for my videos?

Yes, there are multiple free online video editing programs. A list of programs is available under “Online Video Editing" at Mashable.

Do I need to use a headset when recording?

Yes, headsets are strongly encouraged when recording for better quality audio.

Do you have any suggestions for headsets I might use when I record?

You can use a headset that you use with a phone for recording videos. Amazon also has a variety of headsets and microphones for purchase; YALSA staff uses this headset.

Will YALSA compensate me for my video?

YALSA does not provide any monetary compensation for videos contributed to YALSA Academy, but there are many non-monetary benefits that contributors receive. YALSA’s Academy is a great way to get your name out there and increase your exposure as a leader in the young adult library services field. You will have the unique opportunity to showcase your knowledge to an audience of young adult librarians, library media specialists, graduate students, researchers and educators from around the country. In the past, speakers have found that participation in a YALSA program leads to:

  • Requests to speak at a variety of conferences, events or workshops
  • Invitations to publish
  • Opportunities to do consulting work

Where can I learn more about how to create videos for the web?

Vimeo has a helpful video school with helpful how-to tips as well as multiple lessons to help you create videos for the web.

Where may I view the Academy videos that have already been created?

Visit YALSA's Academy Video Playlist on the YALSA YouTube Channel.

Further questions? Please contact YALSA Projects, yalsaprojects@ala.org or Alena Rivers, arivers@ala.org.