Activities and Projects

Cooperative International Library Projects - This new column provides an overview of involvement of international libraries and librarians in activities around the world. It will be updated on the regular basis to follow up and present this kind of projects.

Assistance to Iraqi Libraries - Thanks to the assistance of member David Hirsch, Librarian for Middle Eastern Studies at UCLA’s Charles Young Research Library, ALA was able to again connect with the staff at the Basra Central Library in the fall of 2012 to transfer $13,000 in donations from members and library supporters to help the library expand their collection with over 600 new titles. This is ALA’s second and final donation from its Iraq Fund to help the Library.

ALA and IFLA Access to Information and Intellectual Freedom in Cuba - ALA and its 66,000 members remain committed to intellectual freedom, as it has throughout its more than 125 year history. It is a fundamental value that is near and dear to the hearts of all librarians, library workers, and library supporters. ALA is a member of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions ( IFLA), which represents the international community. IFLA adopted a resolution in 2001 encouraging both the Cuban government and the U.S. government to eliminate barriers to access to information in Cuba, and IFLA last spring issued statements through its Committee on Freedom of Access to Information and Freedom of Expression (FAIFE) again calling for both countries to respect rights to freedom of speech and access to information.

ALA International Resolutions on the destruction and rebulding of libraries. - ALA Policy 53.7 Intellectual Freedom- Destruction of Libraries: The American Library Association deplores the destruction of libraries, library collections and property, and the disruption of the educational process by that act, whether it be done by individuals or groups of individuals and whether it be in the name of honest dissent, the desire to control or limit thought or ideas, or for any other purpose.

International Donation and Shipment of Books - If you are interested in donating books to countries overseas, there are several organizations that distribute books to other countries. Many of these organizations distribute books overseas at no cost to the donating person or library other than shipping costs to the U.S. facility.

Discussion Lists in International Librarianship - Discussion lists focused on international issues.