Ad hoc Committees

Ad hoc is a Latin phrase meaning "for this." Ad hoc committees are formed to resolve a specific problem or perform a specific task that isn't general round table work.

Current Ad hoc Committees:

  • N/A

Previous Ad hoc Committees:

Archive Project Ad hoc Committee (Charged December 2018)

50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Ad hoc Committee (Charged September 2018)

2016 Annual Local Arrangements, (Orlando, FL: June 23–28, 2016)

2016 Midwinter Local Arrangements, (Boston, MA: January 8–12, 2016)

2015 ALA Annual Pre-Conference Committee, (San Francisco, CA: June 25–30, 2015)

2015 Annual Local Arrangements, (San Francisco, CA: June 25–30, 2015)

2015 Midwinter Local Arrangements, (Chicago, IL: January 23–27, 2015)

2014 Annual Local Arrangements, (Las Vegas, NV: June 26–July 1, 2014)