For immediate release | June 20, 2024

ALA calls on libraries to observe Constitution Day 2024 with national day of action to register voters


WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The American Library Association (ALA) is urging America's libraries to participate in a national day of action to register voters on National Voter Registration Day, a nonpartisan civic holiday celebrating America’s representative democracy. Falling on September 17, 2024, this year’s observance coincides with Constitution Day.

Each year, hundreds of libraries join ALA and host a range of events leading up to or on National Voter Registration Day, ensuring that voters are registered, informed and ready to vote. A longtime premier partner, ALA is encouraging libraries to sign up as community partners of National Voter Registration Day to register voters, mobilize local volunteers and educate citizens. Community partners agree to be nonpartisan, inclusive and aware of their state’s voter registration laws.

As trusted sources for information, libraries have long worked with election officials and community leaders and play a vital role in ensuring that voters are prepared to participate in elections at every level of government. As institutions that also provide access to resources, programs and public spaces for all members of a community, libraries are cornerstones for civic engagement.

The Constitution Day call to action is part of Reader. Voter. Ready., ALA’s 2024 voter engagement campaign rallying library professionals to be registered, informed and ready to vote in all local, state and federal elections in 2024. Launched during National Library Week 2024, Reader. Voter. Ready. offers tools and resources designed for libraries to engage voters in their communities. Library workers and partners can find sample graphics, social media posts and other promotional resources at the National Voter Registration Day website and at ALA’s Reader. Voter. Ready. website.

As trusted sources for information, libraries have long worked with election officials and community leaders and play a vital role in ensuring that voters are prepared to participate in elections at every level of government. As institutions that also provide access to resources, programs and public spaces for all members of a community, libraries are cornerstones for civic engagement.

In addition to signing up as community partners of National Voter Registration Day, ALA urges libraries to also participate in other civic holidays celebrated each fall, including Voter Education Week (the first week of October) and Vote Early Day (October 29, 2024).




Ian Ware

Communications Manager

American Library Association

Public Policy & Advocacy Office
