ALA Reorganization

RUSA’s parent organization, the American Library Association, is currently engaged in a comprehensive review and study of its governance, member participation, and legal structures. This review commenced in June 2018 and the tentative date to bring the reorganization recommendations to the ALA membership for vote is Spring 2021. The reorganization review is being led by the Steering Committee on Organizational Effectiveness (SCOE).

About the Steering Committee on Organizational Effectiveness (SCOE)

Appointed by 2017-2018 ALA President Jim Neal in June 2018, the charge of SCOE is to:

Carry out a comprehensive review and study of ALA’s governance, member participation and legal structures and systems, with the goal of proposing changes that will vitalize its success, strength and agility as a 21st century association.

The Steering Committee on Organizational Effectiveness (SCOE) will provide advice and support to the Executive Board on priority improvements. The work of the Steering Committee will focus on membership development and engagement, and on encompassing the diversity of voices that enrich ALA through incorporating the perspectives, interests and contributions of a wide variety of stakeholders and affiliated groups. Its work will be mission driven and embrace the Association's core values.

Through input and feedback from across the Association, the Steering Committee will explore alternative models and reorganization possibilities. It will work with the Executive Team and a consultant to formulate and present its findings and recommendations to the Executive Board.

This fall, SCOE released its recommendations. That report and more information about progress can be found on the ALA Forward Together site.

SCOE Committee Charge

The charge is to develop and recommend strategies and tactics to create an ALA with the agility to respond to current challenges and opportunities, and to focus energy and resources on its mission and members in the decades to come. Ultimately, it is to design a modern association for a modern profession.

SCOE Presentations and work to date

Forward Together

A Better ALA - Accessible Version

Brief SCOE Recommendations

Forward Together | (View on ALA Connect)

SCOE Updates in ALA Connect

For more information on the work of SCOE and to stay up to date, follow the ALA Connect Group: “Organizational Effectiveness (SCOE) Project: Discussion Forum” (

RUSA’s feedback to SCOE

In response to its request for feedback after its presentation at the 2019 Midwinter conference, RUSA shared with SCOE an alternative model. This model builds upon the initial ideas presented by SCOE, but also added additional context in order to ensure that the needs of reference and user services professionals were addressed. RUSA’s presentation to SCOE can be viewed here.

RUSA was shared the following response from the Boards of Directors of PLA (Public Library Association) and ACRL (Association of College and Research Libraries) to the ALA Board and SCOE :

How do I stay informed and share input with the committee?

Check the Forward Together site as well as the SCOE Project Discussion Forum on ALA Connect.