ALSC Forms

Click on the links below to access ALSC forms, such as ballot nominee suggestion forms, committee, discussion group, and priority group consultant report forms, and committee volunteer forms.

Some of the forms below are in Microsoft Word format. You can copy and paste each form into a word processing program, or directly save it to your word processing program, then fill it in, and e-mail it back to us at Or print it out, complete it scan and email it to

ALSC Committee Volunteer Form (requires member login)

Board Action Request Form

Budget: Committee Reimbursement Form (Word doc)

Budget: Request for Additional Committee Operational Funds Form (Word doc) [large projects with staff time should use a Board Action Request Form]

Committee Change Request- Form K (Word doc)

Committee, Task Force, PGC Quarterly Reports - (Due by Sept 15, Dec 15, Feb 15, May 15)

  • We have revised the Quarterly report form. This report has been simplified and will also more easily allow other members to see the activities of the committee. There is only one version of this report form and it will be used by all committees, task forces, and PGCs. Going forward we will be working out a process with the Priority Group Consultants to ensure non-confidential information is not added to the report prior to it being submitted. Additionally, a link will be provided for each quarterly report in advance of its due date and will also be available on the Committee Service Year Airtable. The Airtable marking your quarterly reports completed will also be updated as reports are reviewed by staff (please remember this can take a few days). Once the report has been reviewed a copy will be emailed to the address you included.
  • You are required to upload a copy of your quarterly report to your committees’ ALA Connect space (General instructions for uploading files available here: As a reminder, do not include confidential or sensitive information in your quarterly reports. If you are experiencing any sensitive issues, challenges, members who are not participating at an effective level, or wish to highlight particular work or recommend a committee member for exemplary service please share in detail by sending a separate email to the ALSC President with a copy to the Executive Director.
  • Please submit your completed report form to ALA Connect as follows: 1) Once you receive an email with a copy of your recently submitted report, please forward this copy to your Priority Group Consultant; and 2) Upload a copy to your group's ALA Connect space and mark it “public.” You can save it as a PDF or copy and paste the email into a word document and upload. General instructions for uploading files available here: /alsc/publications-resources/alsc20/ala-connect
  • Check your committee's report submission status via the tracker using Airtable.

Discussion Group Report - due following each discussion

Publication Proposal Form

Representative or Liaison to ALA Units, Other Associations, or Agencies Report (Form O)

Task Force Final Report Form (Template)

  • Task Forces may be required to submit a final report to the ALSC Board. Please consult your task force charge document or with your PGC to ensure this report is received as specified in the deliverables section of your charge document.