The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Donation Grant

The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table's (CSKBART) Donation Grant was created to help build collections and bring books into the lives of children in preschool programs, faith-based reading projects, homeless shelters, charter schools, underfunded libraries, and other community organizations. The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Committee believes children’s lives must be saturated with books and reading opportunities. An enduring message of the Committee's Public Awareness Campaign is that books and reading can only add value to children's lives if books are present with opportunities to read. The Book Donation Grant addresses these objectives.


As a part of the annual process of choosing the Coretta Scott King Book Award winners and honor books, the CSKBART Jury Committee receives multiple copies of over 100 titles by African American authors and illustrators, including a full set of the year's winning and honor titles.

Agencies and institutions serving children can make use of these valuable materials. Therefore, the Coretta Scott King Book Awards Committee has devised the following process for donating selected copies of the books submitted for consideration for the award to an agency with demonstrated need.

Applicants must demonstrate the following:

  • Why the collection is needed in their community?
  • Why the collection is needed in their agency or institution?
  • How would acquiring the collection will help to better serve the children and youth of their community?
  • That the materials will be made freely available to children and youth without censorship


Applications will be judged based on:

  • The degree of need in the community (15 points)
  • The demonstrated need of the agency or institution applying for the materials (15 points)
  • The extent to which the materials will improve service to children and youth in the community (20 points)
  • The extent to which the materials will be used to promote positive self-image of African American children and youth and/or broaden the worldview of children and youth (20 points)
  • The clarity and effectiveness of the statement of need (10 points)
  • The sustainability and effectiveness of the plan to make the materials available in their community, including the demonstrated programming of the applying institution or agency to implement their proposal (20 points)

A committee appointed by the Coretta Scott King Book Awards Committee Chair will review the applications and based on the total number of points, determine the recipient or recipients of the materials. To assure agencies and institutions receive age appropriate books, the committee reserves the right to divide a single grant among two or more agencies or institutions.


  1. Any agency or institution that serves children or youth can apply for this award. This includes, but is not limited to schools, libraries, social service agencies, community organizations, prisons or detention centers, churches or other religious organizations, and institutions of higher education.
  2. Completed applications must be received in the Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services (ODLOS) by February 29, 2024. Recipient(s) of the Book Donation will be announced by the end of March/ Early April.
  3. An online application must be submitted to ALA by the deadline stated above. NO PAPER COPIES ARE ACCEPTED.
  4. Materials must be claimed within one month of notification of the donation or they will be donated to the second choice of the award committee.
  5. Recipients agree to accept all materials offered.
  6. Grant recipients are required to submit a brief follow up report by March 31st of the following year.
  7. A selected institution or agency may receive materials no more than once every five years.


Please read the criteria and guidelines before filling out the application.

Link to the application

Book Donation Grant Recipients


2022 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants announced

  • Hilltop Special Services Center, San Francisco, California
  • Son of a Saint, New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Quality of Life Center, Southwest Florida


2021 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants announced

  • Marion-Perry County Library, Marion, Alabama
  • Southwest Baltimore Charter School, Baltimore, Maryland
  • The West Philadelphia Alliance for Children, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania


2020 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants announced

  • Companions Journeying Together, Western Springs, Illinois
  • Impact Academy, Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Marshallville Public Library, Marshallville, Georgia


2019 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants Announced

  • Kane Country Juvenile Justice Center, Saint Charles, IL
  • Main Street Academy, Winston-Salem, NC
  • NIA Community Services Network, Brooklyn, NY


2018 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants Announced

  • Art Aids Art, Khayelitsha, South Africa
  • Athens Housing Authority, University of Georgia College of Education & Parkview Community, Athens, GA
  • Uni Project, New York, NY


2017 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants Announced

  • W.R. Saffold Community Resource Center, Britton’s Neck, SC
  • Mayaguez Children’s Library, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico
  • Lawrence Memorial Library, Windsor, NC


Resource center, schools and juvenile justice center selected to receive 2016 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants

  • Quinby Street Resource Center, Sharon, PA
  • Oklahoma County Juvenile Justice Center, Oklahoma City, OK
  • Ross Beatty Junior/Senior High School, Cassopolis, MI
  • Muncie P3 Program, Muncie, IN


Schools, Internship Center selected to receive 2015 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants

  • Noble Elementary-Middle School, Detroit, MI
  • Minnesota Internship Center, Minneapolis, MN
  • Townson School, Rochester, NY


Community and family focused agencies selected to receive Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants

  • Abode Services, Fremont, CA
  • Hope House, Washington, DC
  • Tubman, Minneapolis, MN


2013 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants to help schools, public libraries expand and enhance collections

  • Jefferson County Library, Fayette, MS
  • Talahi Elementary School, St. Cloud, MN
  • Tap-In Leadership Academy, Champaign, IL


School, public libraries to build and renew collections with 2012 Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants

  • Perris Library, CA
  • Prentiss Public Library, MS
  • Morton School of Excellence, Chicago, IL


Library, school and community organizations expand collections with Coretta Scott King Book Donation Grants

  • Pontiac Public Library, Pontiac, MI
  • Pontiac Children's Service, Pontiac, MI
  • Luke O'Toole Elementary School, Chicago, IL


  • Alameda County Library, Fremont,CA
  • Craigsville Elementary School, Craigsville, WV
  • Foundation School of Montgomery County, Gaithersburg, MD


Coretta Scott King Book Awards Committee announces 2009 Book Donation Grant Winners


Coretta Scott King Book Awards Committee announces 2008 Book Donation Grant Winners

  • Children Up (formerly the Friends of the United Youth Action for Progress), Gulu, Uganda (East Africa)
  • The PEAK Learning Center, Thornton, CO
  • The Paul Cuffee Charter School, Providence, RI



  • Reading Connection, Arlington, Va.
  • ReadBoston, Boston, Mass.


  • Huntsville-Madison County Public Library, Huntsville, Ala., Donna Schremser, Director
  • The Learning Club of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, Deborah K. Apgar, Director


  • Reach (Reading Enriches All Children), Inc., Norfolk, Va., Sandra Cameron-Adams, Executive Director
  • American Educational Advising Center, Nairobi, Kenya, Dr. Mari E. Nelson, Director


  • Oakton Elementary School, Evanston, Ill., Melissa Da, School Library Media Specialist
  • McCormick Elementary School, Mullins, S.C., Susan Cotton, Media Specialist
  • Benton Harbor Public Library, Benton Harbor, Mich., Susan Kading, Children's Librarian