Business Reference And Services Section (BRASS)

Welcome to BRASS, your station for expertise on all aspects of business reference. Our members come from all kinds of libraries- public, academic, and corporate.

BRASS members, please log into the BRASS Community Page in ALA Connect for more content, including the Roster of members.



Read the new SPRING 2024 Academic BRASS Issue!

Library Engagement with Systems Thinking via Map the System
Jeannie Bail

A Review of Micro-Grants for Research Data Acquisitions in University Libraries
Benjamin Hall

Making a Case for Librarians Setting Expectations for Subject Faculty During Instruction Sessions
Elizabeth Price & Ellen Krupar

Business Research Competencies

The Special Libraries Association, Business & Finance Division voted to endorse the Business Research Competencies, which was co-authored by representatives of BRASS and SLA. The Competencies document has been updated to reflect that change, so get your PDF fresh copy of the Business Research Competencies today!

The Business Research Competencies document is linked through the RUSA Guidelines By Topic page.

Tweet #bizref See the business librarianship shop-talk happening on Twitter #bizref!