Rainbow Round Table Buddy Program

The Rainbow Round Table Buddy program was created to bring together an active member of the round table with a new and prospective Rainbow RT member, as well as any member becoming active for the first time or after a long absence. The buddy pairing is for just one conference, but we hope that you’ll both make a new friend.

Sign up at least 3 weeks before the beginning of Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings. Buddy assignments for will be emailed a few weeks before the first day of the conference. If you have any questions, please contact the RRT Membership Promotion Committee at alaglbtrtmembershippromotion@gmail.com. Thank you for participating.

Requesting a RRT Buddy

We want to pair you with an active RRT member who can answer your questions and introduce you to other members at the RRT Social and other events.

Answer the questions below so we can make the best buddy match possible. We will try to match you with someone who works in the same type of library you currently work or that you hope to work in. If you know of anyone who will be participating that you would like to be matched with, please indicate below.

Volunteering to be a RRT Buddy

If you are already an active member of RRT, please consider volunteering to spread the RRT word. Volunteers will be provided with a packet of information for their Buddy. Answer the below questions so we can make the best buddy match possible. We will try to match you with someone who works in the same type of library you currently work or that you hope to work in. The Committee asks that volunteers:

  • Commit to the program for one Annual Conference or Midwinter Meeting
  • Attend the RRT Social
  • Touch base with assigned buddy before conference via phone or email
  • Meet with buddy just prior to or at the Social
  • Introduce your buddy to other RRT members at the Social
  • Give advice and information on RRT meetings & activities

If possible, make a commitment to meet at least once more with buddy at the conference, to touch base with them on how the conference has gone and answer any questions. This could be at a RRT meeting, over coffee or lunch, etc.

RRT Buddy Program Form

Do you want to:
Are you a Rainbow Round Table member?
What type of library do you work in?
Will you be attending the RRT Social? (Check the RRT website or conference schedule for date and time)