By-Laws of the Library Research Round Table

Article I: Dues

Sec. 1 - Annual dues for individual members shall be $15.00 to be collected by the American Library Association through its regular membership channels.

Sec. 2 - Annual dues for organizations or special institutional members shall be $25.00.

Article II: Committees

Sec. 1 – Members of standing committees shall be appointed by the Chairperson of the Library Research Round Table, who will designate one member as chairperson. Appointments shall be for three-year terms, overlapping so that no more than one third of the members shall be retired in any one year.

Sec. 2 – The Steering Committee shall create and discontinue special committees when needed. Unless otherwise specified in these By-Laws, the chairperson of any special committee will be appointed by the Chairpersons of the Library Research Round Table, and will, in turn, appoint the members of the committee.

Article III: Nomination and Election

Sec. 1 – The Chairperson, prior to each annual meeting, shall appoint a special Nominating Committee of not fewer than three persons, none of whom shall be a member of the Steering Committee.

Sec. 2 – The Nominating Committee shall meet during the annual meeting to nominate for the offices of Chairperson-Elect; Secretary-Treasurer, in alternate years; and one member-at-large of the Steering Committee.

Sec. 3 – All nominees shall be members in good standing at the time of nomination.

Sec. 4 – The Nominating Committee shall report a slate of at least two candidates for each position to be filled.

Sec. 5 – The Nominating Committee shall obtain the written consent of the nominees, and biographical information forms in accordance with regular ALA election procedures. This information shall be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer and to the American Library Association headquarters staff liaison within two months after the annual meetings. The nominating committee will also secure consent and biographical information forms from nominees for task force coordinator proposed by LRRT task forces.

Sec. 6 – Additional nominations may be entered in an election by submitting to the Secretary-Treasurer, not later than three months after the annual meeting, a nominating petition containing the information specified in Sec. 5 above, and sign by five percent of the members in good standing of the organization.

Sec. 7 – Elections will be by mail ballots sent to personal members in good standing in accordance with the regular American Library Association election procedures.

Sec. 8 – Candidates-elect assume office at the close of the first annual conference after election and serve until the close of the next annual conference.

Article IV: Duties of Office

Sec. 1 – The Chairperson shall be chief executive officer of the Library Research Round Table and Chairperson of the Steering Committee. The Chair shall appoint all committee Chairs, unless method of appointment is otherwise specified, and shall exercise general supervision over the affairs of the organization.

Sec. 2 – The Chairperson-elect shall assume the responsibilities and perform the duties of the Chairperson in the event of absence, death, disability, or resignation of the Chairperson and shall serve as Chairperson in the year following the term as Chairperson-Elect.

Sec. 3 – The Secretary-Treasurer shall perform the duties of Secretary-Treasurer as outlined in Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, and act as secretary to the Steering Committee.

Sec. 4 – The immediate past Chairperson shall serve as a member of the Steering Committee for the year following the term of office as Chair and shall serve as the LRRT representative to the ALA Research Committee.

Sec. 5 – In case of death, disability, or resignation of a members of the Steering Committee, the committee may appoint a successor, if succession is not otherwise provided for in these By-Laws, to serve until the next regular elections.

Article V: Task Force

Sec. 1 – Members of the LRRT in good standing may join a Task Force by attending meetings and participating in the work of the group. After each ALA Annual Conference the Task Force coordinator shall submit names of Task Force members to the LRRT officers.

Sec. 2 – The coordinator of a Task Force shall be elected by members of LRRT voting in the annual ALA election. Sec. 3 – Task Force members shall nominate candidates for the position of coordinator at each ALA Midwinter Meeting. At least two candidates shall be nominated and both shall be members of LRRT in good standing at the time of nomination. The LRRT Nominating Committee will be responsible for securing consent and biographical information forms.

Sec. 4 – Task Force coordinators shall serve for a period of two years and, if re-elected, for an additional two year term. Coordinators shall not serve more than four consecutive years.

Sec. 5 – The coordinator of a Task Force shall serve on the Steering Committee of LRRT.

Sec. 6 – The coordinator of the Task Force shall secure the approval of the Steering Committee for all proposed activities, meetings, public programs, and expenditures of the Task Force. The coordinator shall submit written reports to the Steering Committee at each Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference of ALA.

Sec. 7 – The coordinator of the Task Force shall appoint Chairpersons and members of all committees of the Task Force.

Sec. 8 – The coordinator of the Task Force may create and discontinue special committees for the performance of special activities.

Approved, June 1969

Revised, June 1980, June 1983 and June 2006