Rainbow Round Table Bylaws & Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The Rainbow Round Table (RRT) of the American Library Association (ALA) is committed to serving the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, pansexual, genderqueer, queer, intersex, agender, asexual, and ally (LGBTQIA+) professional communities and population at large. We are committed to encouraging and supporting the free and necessary access to information, as reflected in the mission and priorities of the American Library Association.

The RRT provides its members, other ALA divisions, affiliates, round tables, offices, committees and the library and information science field as a whole with a forum for discussion and an environment for education and learning about the needs of the LGBTQIA+ professional communities and population at large.


Executive Board

Candidates and Elections




Parliamentary Authority

Amending the Bylaws

Revision History


The RRT of the American Library Association (ALA) will:

  • Promote the improved quality, quantity, and accessibility of library materials and services of particular interest or usefulness to LGBTQIA+ people of all ages.
  • Develop, promote, and defend unrestricted access of all library users to information by or about LGBTQIA+ people.
  • Sponsor and promote awareness of RRT programs, events, and awards.
  • Provide bibliographic services to librarians, archivists, library staff, other information professionals, and library users.
  • Work toward eliminating job discrimination against LGBTQIA+ employees of libraries, archives, and information centers.
  • Advocate revising classification schemes, subject heading lists, indices, etc., in order to remove terms derogatory to the lives, activities, and contributions to culture and society of LGBTQIA+ people.
  • Advocate within the membership and leadership of ALA on behalf of LGBTQIA+ librarians, archivists, library staff, other information specialists, and library users.
  • Support other underrepresented and disadvantaged groups working for adequate representation and equal opportunity within ALA.
  • Work with groups outside ALA interested in achieving equal rights for LGBTQIA+ people.
  • Provide opportunities for LGBTQIA+ librarians, archivists, library staff, and other information specialists attending ALA conferences to meet and socialize with one another.
  • Promote the ALA’s Library Bill of Rights and its Code of Ethics.


A. The Executive Board consists of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Past-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, five (5) Directors-at-Large, and the Round Table Councilor.

B. The Chair serves a three-year term: in the first year as Chair-Elect, in the second year as Chair, in the third year as immediate Past-Chair

C. The Secretary, Treasurer, and Directors-at-Large serve a two-year term and are eligible for a second consecutive term.

D. The Round Table Councilor serves a three-year term and is eligible for a second consecutive term.

E. All officers and elected members of the Executive Board will serve until the adjournment of the Annual Conference that follows the selection of their successor. If a member vacates their position before the completion of the term, the Executive Board will select a person to serve the remainder of that term.

F. The Executive Committee of the Executive Board is comprised of the Chair, Past-Chair, and Chair-Elect. The Executive Committee will have general supervision of the affairs of the RRT in the intervals between meetings.



A. The Round Table will elect a Chair, a Secretary, a Treasurer, five Directors-at-Large, and a Round Table Councilor. Elections will take place annually on the spring ballot. Elections for:

  • Chair-Elect occur every year.
  • Secretary and Treasurer occur on alternating years.
  • At least one but not all Directors-at-Large occur in alternating years.

B. Elections for Round Table Councilor occur every three years in accordance with ALA’s Bylaws Article IV, Section 2(d). Candidates for Round Table

Candidates for Office

The immediate Past-Chair of the Round Table is responsible for providing RRT election information to the membership and encouraging members to run for office using the ALA Election system in accordance with the deadlines set by ALA. Any personal member of the RRT may self-nominate for any vacant position.


Candidates for elected offices must be members of ALA and RRT. Candidates are required to attend the in-person membership and Executive Board meetings scheduled for the Annual Conferences and Midwinter Meetings as well as other official meetings of the Executive Board that may include any regularly scheduled conference calls, virtual meetings, etc. as applicable to current Executive Board practice during their term of office.

Voting Status

Members of the RRT are eligible to vote in Round Table elections and on Round Table ballot initiatives.


The Round Table will pursue its goals primarily through the work of its committees. Any member interested in serving on a committee must fill out the RRT committee volunteer web form(s). All members of RRT committees and RRT representatives to Joint Committees will be members of the Round Table.

Committee Creation and Dissolution

The Executive Board may create or dissolve Standing Committees. Dissolution of a Standing Committee requires a two-thirds majority vote of the Executive Board occurring in two consecutive fiscal years in order to allow consideration of the decision under two different leadership terms.

Standing Committees

Standing Committees refers to committees with long-term objectives to carry out the work of the RRT. The Round Table Procedures identify Standing Committees and their charges.

A. Member terms for Standing Committees begin at the end of the Annual Conference.

B. The Round Table’s Chair-Elect will appoint members. Members of Standing Committees serve for terms of two years, and can serve for a second but not a third consecutive term; but in no case will a person serve on a committee for more than four consecutive years. Appointments must provide continuity in membership.

C. The Round Table’s Chair-Elect will appoint Chairs to one-year terms annually, selecting from the upcoming membership of the committee. Standing Committee Chairs may not serve more than two consecutive terms.

D. The RRT Chair will appoint members of newly formed committees authorized during the year to initial terms that provide future continuity in membership.

E. The RRT Chair will make appointments to fill vacancies and the new appointee will serve until the expiration of the term for the member replaced.

Book Committees

Book Committees are a class of Standing Committee that deal with book awards and lists. The Round Table Procedures and Committee web pages identify Book Committees and their charges. Member terms of all Book Committees begin at the end of the Midwinter Meeting.

The RRT Chair will appoint Book Committee members for two-year terms. Appointments must provide continuity in membership. No individual may serve on a single book committee more often than once every two years. This guideline will not apply to the selection of Chair.

In the event a juror cannot fulfill their term, the RRT Chair can make appointments to fill vacancies and the new appointee will serve until the expiration of the term for the member replaced.

Award Committees

Award Committees are a class of standing committee dealing with non-book awards. The Executive Board establishes Award Committees upon approval by the ALA Awards Committee and in compliance with restrictions outlined in the approval.

A. Newlen-Symons Award for Excellence in Serving the GLBT Community

  1. The RRT Chair, Past-Chair, and Chair-Elect will appoint the award jury.
  2. Donors are not eligible to serve on the jury for their award.

B. Larry Romans Mentorship Award

  1. The RRT Chair, Past-Chair, and Chair-Elect will appoint the award jury together with the GODORT Chair and GODORT Awards Committee Chair, with GODORT Steering Committee approval.
  2. The jury will consist of six members to be appointed annually for one-year terms, with three representing RRT and three representing GODORT. The three GODORT representatives must be members of the current GODORT Awards Committee, and one of those three will be the current GODORT Awards Committee Chair. Selectors should try to choose members who work in a broad cross-section of library types.
  3. Donors are not eligible to serve on the jury for the award.

C. Rainbow Round Table Award for Political Activism

  1. The RRT Chair, Past-Chair, and Chair-Elect will appoint the award jury. Selectors should try to choose jurors who work in a broad cross-section of library types.
  2. Donors are not eligible to serve on the jury for the award.

Ad Hoc and Special Committees

The Round Table may form ad hoc or special committees as necessary for projects of limited length to complete the business of the Round Table.

A. Formation of Ad Hoc Committees require a majority vote of the Executive Board. Any member of the Round Table may propose a special project to the Executive Board.

B. The RRT Chair will appoint the Ad Hoc or Special Committee Chair.

C. Chairpersons and members of Ad Hoc Committees and Special Committees will serve for the life of the committee except in cases where an Ad Hoc or Special Committee becomes a Standing Committee. In those cases, appointment, term length, and limits are subject to normal Standing Committee rules.

D. A majority vote of the Executive Board may dissolve Ad Hoc or Special Committees.


Establishing liaisons to specific target groups will be encouraged when the relationship appears to be beneficial to the Round Table. The Chair will appoint liaisons from the membership to other groups both inside and outside ALA. Liaisons will serve a two-year term and are eligible for a second consecutive term. In no case will a person serve as a liaison to a specific group for more than four consecutive years. Terms will be staggered so that the Chair appoints approximately half of continuing liaison positions each year. Liaison appointments may be for specific projects or on-going.


A. The Round Table must hold at least one membership meeting at the ALA’s Annual Conference.

B. The Round Table Executive Board will meet at least once at both the ALA Annual Conference and Midwinter Meeting.

C. Membership and Executive Board meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend.


A. Decision making processes at Round Table membership meetings and Executive Board meetings will rely on the provisions contained in the "Rules of Order" that ALA Council uses.

B. No decision or instruction made by a Chair can conflict with a decision or instruction made by the Round Table membership or the Executive Board.

C. Quorum for the Executive Board is a majority of the voting members.


The Executive Board or the Round Table membership meeting may propose bylaws amendments at any time. Proposed bylaws amendments must win a simple majority vote on the spring ballot to be successful. Supporters of proposed amendments must announce the ballot items at least thirty days before the spring ballot.

Revision History