ALA Chapter Councilors

Explore resources to fulfill your Chapter Councilor role effectively


Congratulations on your election to be your state library association's ALA Chapter Councilor. (If you are interested in becoming an ALA Chapter Councilor, contact your state library association and find out how to be nominated in its election. See also Council Composition and Charge)

The Chapter Relations Office welcomes you to the ALA and Chapters partnership and would like to introduce you to the ALA resources available to help you fulfill your role as Chapter Councilor. Information on this page addresses many of your formal duties, as well as directing you to important resources.

Please read carefully the welcome letter sent to you by the ALA Council Secretariat. See either ALA Chapters or ALA Chapter Relations Office for links to resources for advocacy and other assistance for libraries, activities related to ALA and Chapters Partnership, and more. See CRO Answers, Chapter Answers, Chapter Councilor Answers, and Student Chapter Answers, or find them all at Find Your Answers.