LIRT Committees

A list and description of the Library Instruction Round Table Committees.

LIRT currently has 10 active committees, More complete information about the Committee's chairpersons is available in the LIRT Directory of Officers, Committee Chairs, and Coordinators.

Adult Learners

This committee is charged with assisting library professionals to understand, find information or promote ideas on learning styles, teaching methods, and training resources most often associated with adult learners.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Holly S. Herbert and Leslie Rewis (ALA Login Required)

Awards Committee

This committee is charged with selecting the recipients for the LIRT Innovation in Instruction Award and the LIRT Librarian Recognition Award.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Rebecca Davis and Wayne Finley (ALA Login Required)

Communications Committee

This committee shall be responsible for soliciting and distributing content, in both written and visual formats for all avenues of communication with LIRT membership. This includes, but is not limited to, preparing and distributing the Round Table's newsletter, curating all social media accounts and providing oversight of the LIRT’s online presence. The committee may create and update content, as well as solicit content and advise other committees regarding the creation and maintenance of content.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Rachel Mulvihill and Open Position (ALA Login Required)

Conference Program Committee 2022

This committee shall be responsible for annual program preparation and presentation.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Lauren Kehoe and Julie Hornick (ALA Login Required)

Conference Program Committee 2023

This committee shall be responsible for annual program preparation and presentation.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Julie Hornick and Open Position (ALA Login Required)

Liaison Committee

This committee shall initiate and maintain communication with groups within ALA and with external groups dealing with issues relevant to library instruction and shall disseminate information about these groups' activities.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Laura Pearle and Open Position (ALA Login Required)

Membership Committee

This committee shall be responsible for publicizing the Round Table's purposes, activities and image; and for promoting membership in the Round Table.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Mitch Fontenot and Lilly Dubach (ALA Login Required)

Organization and Planning Committee

This committee shall be responsible for long-range planning and making recommendations to guide the future direction of LIRT. The committee shall organize a strategic planning retreat every few years or as needed. It shall monitor the structure of LIRT on an ongoing basis and recommend to the Executive Board, and through it to the membership of LIRT, the creation, responsibilities, and discontinuance of committees and task forces. It will review and update the LIRT Manual annually. In addition, the committee shall review the Constitution and Bylaws of the Round Table annually and recommend amendments to the Executive Board as needed. The Past Treasurer shall prepare the Five Year Financial Plan report and present it at the second Organization & Planning committee at the Midwinter conference. The Past President shall serve as the chairperson. The Past Treasurer is a member of this committee and the President and Vice-President serve as ex-officio members.

Nominations will be a subcommittee of this committee. The Nominations Subcommittee shall prepare a slate of candidates for election to LIRT office and shall maintain the Nominations checklist of procedures. The Past President serves as a member of the Subcommittee.

Current Chair: Mark Robison and Jennifer Hunter (ALA Login Required)

Teaching, Learning, and Technology Committee

This committee will be responsible for identifying and promoting the use of technology in library instruction. Special attention will be given to technologies that enhance learning and can be easily adapted to a variety of different learning environments. Activities will include assisting with programs, writing reviews and articles for the newsletter, and promoting research that relates to our charge. Liaison with ALA committees and groups with similar interests.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Jennifer Hamilton and Open Position (ALA Login Required)

Top 20 Committee

This committee shall be responsible for monitoring the library instruction literature and identifying high quality library-instruction related articles from all types of libraries. Annually, this committee shall prepare and publish in the LIRT News a list of the Top 20 articles on library instruction.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Melissa Gomis and Meghann Kuhlmann (ALA Login Required)

Transitions to College Committee

This committee builds and supports partnerships between school, public, and academic librarians to assist students in their transition to the academic library environment.

Current Chair and Vice Chair: Open Position and OpenPosition (ALA Login Required)