CSKBART Leadership and Governance

The Coretta Scott King Book Awards Round Table (CSKBART) is administered by elected Executive Board members and appointed Standing Committee chairs. These representatives are:

Executive Board

Dr. Janice Newsum, Chair 2023-2025

Jason Driver, Chair Elect, 2023-2025

Dr. Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, Immediate Past Chair 2020 -2023

Dr. Susan Smith, Treasurer 2023- 2025

Dr. Mariam Thomas, Recording Secretary, 2023-2024

Kimberly Patton, Corresponding Secretary 2023-2025

Standing Committees

Barbara Clark, Chair Archives and History Standing Committee

Dr. Marguerite Penick, Chair Book Grant Standing Committee

Dr. LaKeshia Darden, Chair CSK Book Awards Jury

Sonja Gaddy, Chair CSK Breakfast Standing Committee

Kacie Armstrong, Chair Marketing Standing Committee

Caryl Matute, Chair Membership Standing Committee

Dr. Brenda Pruitt-Annisette, Chair Nominating Standing Committee

Public Relations (PR)/ Fund-Raising Standing Committee

Dr. Nhora Serrano, Chair Publications Standing Committee

Jason Driver, Chair Programs Standing Committee

Vacant, Chair Technology Standing Committee

Emma K. McNamara, Chair Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement Award Jury

Gladys Smiley Bell, Chair 55th CSK Anniversary Celebration


  • The CSKBART Executive Board and Standing Committee Chairs are currently working to update the Leadership and Governance Documents, including the CSKBART Constitution and Bylaws.

Jury Manual