For immediate release | November 9, 2023

David Cohen/EMIERT Multicultural Award nominations open

CHICAGO - The Ethnic Multicultural Information Exchange Roundtable (EMIERT) of the American Library Association is now accepting nominations for the David Cohen/EMIERT Multicultural Award. This award recognizes recent articles that include significant new research related to the understanding and promotion of multiculturalism in libraries in North America. Works published within the last two years preceding the award application deadline shall be eligible to receive the award. Recipients of the David Cohen Awards are presented with $500 and a plaque at ALA’s Annual Conference during EMIERT’s annual chair’s program.

A winning publication shall advance a deeper understanding of multiculturalism/multicultural issues in libraries and will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Relationship of publication to the purpose of the award
  • Extent to which publication bridges cultures, increases multicultural awareness in libraries, or provides appropriate cultural representation
  • Significance of publication and its potential impact
  • Originality

There will be one bi-annual award presented in even years (e.g. 2022, 2024, 2026, etc.). If no suitable candidate is judged to merit the award in a given year, the award will not be presented.

Nominations for the award will be accepted until February 15, 2024. Winners will be announced by March 15, 2024.

The selection of an award will be made by the EMIERT Awards Committee. Please send nominations to Dr. Andrea Jamison via no later than February 15, 2024, by 10 p.m. CT. Self-nominations will be accepted.

Submitted materials should include:

  • Article (published within the last two years)
  • A copy of the nominee’s resume or curriculum vitae
  • A 250-word statement of significance addressing why the nominee is deserving of this recognition according to the criteria of the award and should cite specific achievements
  • OPTIONAL: Additional letters of recommendation

EMIERT Executive Board

Dr. Andrea Jamison, Chair

KC Boyd, Chair Elect

Fatima Perkins, Treasurer

Kim Sigle, Secretary

Dr. Leslie Himes, Roundtable Councilor

Richard Ashby, Member

Emily Bergman, Member

Emma McNamara, Member

Dr. Janice Newsum, CSK Liaison

EMIERT Awards Committee

Dr. Joan Kindig

Emma McNamara

Dr. Jean Myles

Melissa Lamonico

Corinthia Price


The Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT) has been an active force in the American Library Association (ALA) for more than 30 years. EMIERT’s main purpose is to serve as a source of information on recommended ethnic collections, services, and programs. To achieve this purpose, EMIERT members and leadership organize task forces, institutes, and workshops. For ALA Annual Conferences EMIERT develops forums and symposia programs that deal with the key issues of ethnicity and librarianship. The round table maintains a liaison with the Office of Library Outreach Services (OLOS) and cooperate with other ALA units, including the caucuses, in joint projects for the betterment of outreach services.


Kevin D. Strowder


Office for Diversity, Literacy and Outreach Services (ODLOS)