Diane H. Dias De Fazio

Headshot of a smiling Diane H. Dias De Fazio wearing a sweater embroidered and beaded with symbols of Dias de los Muertos.
Describe yourself in three words

Patient. Grateful. Organized.

What are you reading (or listening to on your mobile device)?

For the first time in truly a long while, I've got a lot on my desk! When I’m not reading submissions and revised drafts for RBM, I'm reading several books in the Object Lessons series: Shopping Mall, Bookshelf, Hotel, Souvenir, Phone Booth, and Glass. I'm also working on a bit of a research project, so I'm rereading some technical texts on escalators (but that's another story for another time). My favorite podcast is Today, Explained, but I recently listened to Bright Lit Place (from Jenny Staletovich and WLRN) and Ghost Herd (from KUOW’s Anna King), both of which I loved. I’m also growing fond of Kelly Corrigan Wonders. I know this is not the question, but, usually there's one of the following on in the background: Michigan Public, OPB, KUOW, WLRN, or Q104.3 (I’m still a New Yorker at heart).

Describe ACRL in three words:

Essential. Inspiring. Community.

In your own words

This prompt is a member’s opportunity to make “an open-ended statement” or reflect on “life as an academic/research librarian,” either one of which can be a loaded task. It's as flattering and exciting as you can imagine, to get the email, telling you that ACRL wants to feature you as MOTW. For years, I read these interviews and cheered for RBMS and other colleagues; I know I could've always self-nominated, so this recognition is deeply meaningful. Coming at what I hope is still the beginning of my career, I can only steal someone else's words and “assure you that I will strive to be worthy of all it signifies.” My words to everyone out there are: yes, there are zine- and artist's-books-loving librarians out there, librarians who didn't master Latin or Old Greek, librarians who weren't English majors, and librarians who come from working-class families, and we work in special collections! I've got your back. We have each other, and we are enough.

Credentials:MA, MSHP

Title:Special Collections Associate

Workplace:Grasselli Library, John Carroll University

Location:University Heights, OH