Dissolved Committees

Table of Contents

Ad hoc Committee on the Organization of the Stonewall Book Awards Committee

This group worked from July 2013 to January 2014 with the following charge:

Resolved that the Rainbow Round Table Chair appoints an Ad hoc Committee to make recommendations about the organization and work of the Stonewall Book Awards Committee (SBAC) beginning with the 2015 cycle, including such issues as:

  • Whether to maintain the current structure of the committee, develop subcommittees for each award, or have a separate committee for each award.
  • How a proposed change would affect demand and supply of committee volunteers.
  • If membership on the SBAC (and its potential subcommittees) should require that a mix of expert and general volunteers be selected.
  • How to determine the time of year each cycle should start and what the time period should be for when eligible books must have been published.
  • What kind of change has there been in workload given increased publishing and a third award.
  • Whether a change would affect the number of books publishers would need to supply to the committee(s).

The ad hoc committee would:

  • create recommendations that would not conflict with RRT Bylaws or the RRT Leadership Responsibilities document;
  • be composed of both former SBAC members and non-members;
  • recommend an implementation plan for changes to the board; and
  • share a report with the board and membership by 11:59pm, Friday, 10 January 2014 (two weeks before the start of ALA 2014 Midwinter Meeting).


Archive Project Ad hoc Committee

This committee was formed at the December 2018 RainbowRT Executive Board meeting with the following charge:

Solicit donations for the RainbowRT archive, housed within the ALA archives, with assistance from ALA Archives staff. Complete the oral history toolkit begun by the 2018 RainbowRT Emerging Leaders team, a process to continue adding recorded materials to the oral history site, and continue conducting oral history interviews as time allows. Finalize the design of the site where the oral history project is stored with assistance from the RainbowRT Web Committee. Create a video collage to help promote the oral history project and archive as part of a marketing campaign ahead of and during the RainbowRT 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2020.

Bylaws Committee

Maintained the bylaws of the round table, proposed revisions as needed, reviewed other proposed changes to the bylaws from committees or members, maintained a policy and procedures manual, and advised the Board of Directors regarding structural and organizational concerns of the Rainbow Round Table.

LGBTQ Anti-Discrimination & Education Ad hoc Committee

The LGBTQ Anti-Discrimination & Education Committee, an Ad hoc Committee of the Rainbow Round Table, was charged with producing a report to be submitted to the Executive Board of the American Library Association. The report would include:

  • A narrative of the harassment RRT members endured during ALA's Annual Conference in Chicago in July 2009;
  • A recommendation to ALA on how and where to modify its policy to include gender identity and gender expression;
  • A recommendation to ALA on inclusive language for contracts with vendors, including stipulations about staff training that covers sensitivity/awareness of all LGBTQ people;
  • A recommendation to ALA to develop a policy on how to address specific harassment incidents related to gender identity and gender expression; and
  • A list for a resources page on the RRT website for such training for vendors.

Reports of the LGBTQ Anti-Discrimination & Education Ad hoc Committee:

  • ALA Annual 2010, Steering Committee II Meeting Minutes, Committee Report (Item C) (pdf: 110kb)
  • ALA Midwinter 2010, Steering Committee II Meeting Minutes, Committee Report & Discussion (Item F and Section IX) (pdf: 147kb)
  • ALA Annual 2009, Steering Committee Meeting II Meeting Minutes, Discussion and documentation (Item H and Appendix A) (pdf: 118kb)

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee was dissolved by a vote at the Rainbow Round Table Membership Meeting, 2009 ALA Annual Conference. Duties of the committee were added to the Membership Promotion Committee.

Resources Ad hoc Committee

The group worked from January 2012 to January 2013 with the following charge:

At the ALA 2012 Midwinter Meeting, the Rainbow Round Table Steering Committee charged this ad hoc committee one year to assess, develop, and maintain all resources listed on 'Publications' page of the round table website. The content on this page was on the 'Popular Resources' page of our old website.

Stonewall Book Awards Celebration Planning Committee

Planned, publicized, and implemented the annual Stonewall Book Award Celebration in coordination with the Stonewall Book Awards Committee Chair. Planned the program and secured speakers. Coordinated with the staff of the caterer designated by the ALA Conference arrangements office the set-up of the celebration, including menu, room arrangements, and coordination of giveaway materials.

50th Anniversary Golden Jubilee Ad hoc Committee

This committee was formed at the September 2018 RainbowRT Executive Board meeting with the following charge:

Designs and plans the social events for the ALA Annual 2020 meeting -- a ticketed 50th Anniversary Gala and free RainbowRT social meet-up -- including securing a location, recruiting speakers, developing program, and planning the menu. Will coordinate with other RT groups who will take the lead on specific aspects of the 50th Anniversary including securing donors (Advocacy Committee), fundraising (Fund Raising Committee), promotion (News Committee), printed Gala program (Resources Committee), and oral history collection/exhibits (RainbowRT Archive Project Ad hoc Committee).