International Leads ( IL) is the official publication of the International Relations Round Table (IRRT). The purpose of IL is to disseminate information about international librarianship and the activities of the Round Table.

IL seeks to support Round Table and Association objectives by bringing members news, brief articles and reviews that help them understand and react appropriately to recent developments in international librarianship. It seeks items of timely value and emphasizes current reports and programs undertaken by the Association and the IRRT. A secondary concern is reporting on newsworthy items generated by other divisions, units and round tables of ALA that are relevant to the interests of IRRT and its members. A third level of concern reports other international activities outside the various ALA units that are relevant to IRRT and its members. IL accepts relevant general news releases intended for mass publication vehicles.

IL is published quarterly, edited by a member volunteer and printed through the production facilities of the American Library Association's Publishing Services Department.

The editor of IL determines size, layout, typography, and other aspects of format within existing budget constraints. IL is distributed to current members of IRRT. Subscriptions, individual and back issues are available at prices recommended by the IRRT Publications Subcommittee and approved by the IRRT Executive Committee.

The IL editor is appointed for a two-year, once-renewable term by the IRRT Executive Committee upon recommendation of a search committee consisting of: IRRT Publications Subcommittee chair, the IRRT chair, one IRRT Executive Committee Member, one IRRT member-at-large, Director of the ALA International Relations Office and one IRRT member.

The editor of IL is a non-voting, ex-officio member of both the IRRT Executive Committee and the IRRT Publications Subcommittee. The editor reports administratively to the IRRT Publications Subcommittee and provides informational reports regarding the publication to both the IRRT Executive Committee and the Publications Subcommittee. The Publications Subcommittee presents budget, policy, and other items requiring action to the IRRT Executive Committee.

There is no monetary remuneration except for certain approved and budgeted expenses incurred as requirements of the job itself, including a modest stipend to support ALA attendance. The editor is reimbursed (within the budget) for expenses incurred in editing IL and in fulfilling the position requirements as outlined in the formal position description.

The IRRT Executive Committee and its Publications Subcommittee affirm their roles of non-interference with editorial decision, in accordance with the spirit of encouraging units to "endorse and apply the principle of freedom of the press" articulated in ALA Policy Manual section 10.1.

The editor of IL shall:

  1. Have the final responsibility for the content of IL within the parameters of ALA and International Relations Round Table policies. Because IL is the official organ of the IRRT, the editor has a particular responsibility, in cooperation with Round Table officers, the IRRT Publications Subcommittee and ALA International Relations Office staff, to convey to the members and other readers full and accurate information on the activities, purpose, and goals of the Round Table. The editor or editors assume an obligation to represent the best interests of the Round Table fairly and as fully as possible within the scope of the publication and with due regard to the prerogative of the editor for producing a balanced and readable publication.

  2. Assume final authority for all content of each issue of IL.

  3. Have the option to assign areas of editorial responsibility to others, i.e., appoint regular column editors and special guest editors, and oversee their work.

  4. Maintain communication with the IRRT Executive Committee and its various subcommittees to obtain information of interest to the membership and others interested in IRRT activities.

  5. Seek manuscripts from IRRT members and aggressively encourage the submission of high-quality articles.

  6. Complete a thorough review of all submitted manuscripts in light of the philosophy, purpose, and general style of the publication. Correspond with authors regarding acceptance, rewriting, resubmission, or rejection of articles.

  7. Edit manuscript copy.

  8. Prepare final copy, plan the table of contents and determine layout and design of each issue.

  9. Read and edit all page proofs.

  10. Deliver final copy to the printer and mailer.

  11. Develop and continuously review editorial and publication policies and guidelines in conjunction with the IRRT Executive Committee and its Publications Subcommittee.

  12. Work with the IRRT Publications Subcommittee to establish publication schedules for IL at least one year in advance.

  13. Handle requests from the IRRT chair and the ALA International Relations Office to provide multiple copies for workshops, library meetings, etc.

  14. Maintain an editor's manual describing every aspect of International Lead's character and operation, including appropriate stylistic protocols.

  15. Manage the budget and expenditure of funds for IL’ publication expenses, in conjunction with the ALA International Relations Office.

  16. Communicate regularly to the IRRT Publications Subcommittee and the IRRT Executive Committee.

  17. Attend IRRT Publications Subcommittee and IRRT Executive Committee meetings at ALA Annual and Midwinter meetings.


  1. Effective communication skills.

  2. Experience in publishing and/or journalism, either in editing or writing, sufficient to enable the individual to produce a high-quality publication that addresses interests of the readership.

  3. Experience in or demonstrated knowledge of international librarianship.

  4. Membership in the International Relations Round Table.

Questions? Contact the Editors, Whitney Bevill, Amanda Harrison, Gloria Creed-Dikeogu, Anna Kozlowska, and Johann Frederick Cabbab, (ala.intl.leads[@]