Eisner Grant Application Instructions

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The 2024 grant cycle is now CLOSED. Application deadline: Sunday, January 28, 2024

Will Eisner Graphic Novel Innovation Grant

For the Innovation Grant, applicants should submit one complete application using the online form and include a detailed budget and timeline. Your proposal narrative should outline how the library will use the grant to further public awareness or community engagement with the graphic novel format.

The Will Eisner Graphic Novel Innovation Grant Jury will evaluate the applicant based on the following criteria:

  • A project plan that includes a timeline, budget, and clarity of purpose
  • The identification of the audience for the project and developing a program directed at that audience. The proposed project may be aimed at any audience served by the institution.
  • Originality of project and methodology showing a clear link between library objectives and community impact.
  • Demonstration of the ability of the applicant(s) to undertake and successfully complete the project
  • The potential to generate greater awareness and understanding of comics and graphic novels encouraging and inspiring life-long reading and education
  • The quality of the benefits this grant will bring to the community
  • The degree to which the applicant's philosophy reflects the spirit of the Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation and the legacy of Will Eisner himself as an innovator and creator
  • Potential for project replication by other libraries

Will Eisner Graphic Novel Growth Grant

For the Growth Grant, applicants should submit one complete application using the online form and include a detailed budget and timeline. Your proposal narrative should outline how the library has demonstrated its ability to present a graphic novel collection, project, or program that promotes the significance of graphic novels by highlighting the quality, artistry, and innovation of the format and engages the local community as well as how the library will use the grant to expand or improve said collection, project or program.

The Will Eisner Graphic Novel Growth Grant Jury will evaluate the applicant based on the following criteria:

  • The identification of the audience for the project and developing a program directed at that audience. The proposed project may be aimed at any audience served by the institution.
  • Originality of project and methodology showing a clear link between library objectives and community impact.
  • Documenting the need for the project, was the need well-defined
  • A project plan for expanding the existing project that includes a timeline, budget, and clarity of purpose
  • The quality of the design of the project.
  • The clearness of the action plan and calendar
  • Whether the needed resources were available (including staff) to make the project a success.
  • The degree to which the applicant's philosophy reflects the spirit of the Will and Ann Eisner Family Foundation and the legacy of Will Eisner himself as an innovator and creator
  • Additional areas that may be considered: the importance of the need met; whether the project improved services to users.