
The following are the results of the 2024 AASL Board of Directors and AASL Sections elections.

Bylaws | Board of Directors | ESLS | ISS | SPVS


On the ALA 2024 election ballot, AASL members considered the following and voted yes or no to proposed changes to the AASL Bylaws as approved by the AASL Board of Directors on December 5, 2023.

Article IV. Meetings (of Members)

Section 1. Annual Membership Meeting - PASSED

Current Wording
Section 1. Annual Membership Meeting
The Annual Membership Meeting of the AASL shall be held prior to the Annual Conference of the ALA.

Proposed Wording
Section 1. Annual Virtual Membership Meeting
The Annual Virtual Membership Meeting of the AASL shall be held prior to the Annual Conference of the ALA.

Rationale for Change
In 2014 the AASL Board of Directors decided the Annual Membership Meeting should be conducted virtually to allow for more members to attend. The proposed change clarifies the format of the meeting.

Section 2. Special Meetings- PASSED

Current Wording
Section 2. Special Meetings
Special meetings of the AASL may be called at other times by the AASL President, the AASL Board of Directors, or upon petition of one hundred (100) AASL members. At least a thirty (30) day notice shall be given to the AASL membership for a special meeting. Only the business specified in the notice shall be transacted.

Proposed Wording
Section 2: Special Meetings
Special meetings of the AASL may be called at other times by the AASL President and the AASL Board of Directors. Member-initiated meetings may be requested by a petition of one hundred (100) AASL members to the AASL Board of Directors. At least a fourteen (14) day notice shall be given to the AASL membership for a member-initiated meeting. Only the business specified in the notice shall be transacted.

Rationale for Change
To clarify the two types of special meetings that can be called. One type by the AASL President or AASL Board of Directors; the other type by members to discuss specified business. The number of days is reduced since AASL’s Membership meetings are now conducted virtually.

Article V. Board of Directors

Section 1. Members- PASSED

Current Wording
Section 1. Members
Each member of the Board of Directors is a personal member of the AASL. The Board of Directors of the Association will consist of the following elected and voting members: the Association’s president, president-elect, immediate past president, secretary/treasurer, the AASL representative to the ALA Council, three (3) directors-at-large and an AASL Chapters representative. The AASL Executive Director shall be an ex officio non-voting member of the Board of Directors.

Proposed Wording
Section 1. Members
Each member of the Board of Directors is a personal member of the AASL. The Board of Directors of the Association is competency-based and constituency-based to ensure a balanced board. The Board of Directors is composed of the following elected and voting members: the Association’s president, president-elect, immediate past president, secretary/treasurer, division councilor to the ALA Council, three (3) directors-at-large and director-at-large, chapters. The AASL Executive Director shall be an ex officio non-voting member of the Board of Directors.

Rationale for Change
To clarify the structure of the AASL Board of Directors, the second sentence was added regarding competency-based and constituency-based criteria for a balanced board. The position titles reflect the current terminology used by AASL.

Section 2. Terms of Office- PASSED

Current Wording
Section 2. Terms of Office
The president, the president-elect and the immediate past president shall serve in their respective positions for a one-year term. The president-elect shall succeed to the presidency upon completion of the term of office as
president-elect; the president shall become the immediate past president. The secretary/treasurer, directors-at-large, and AASL Chapters representative shall serve a two-year term. The division councilor shall serve a three-year term.

Proposed Wording
Section 2. Terms of Office
The president, the president-elect and the immediate past president shall serve in their respective positions for a one-year term. Upon completion of term of office, the president-elect shall become the president and the president shall become the immediate past president. The secretary/treasurer, directors-at-large, and director-at large, chapters shall serve a two-year term. The division councilor shall serve a three-year term.

Rationale for Change
To clarify the rotation of office for president-elect, president, and immediate past president.

Section 3. Responsibility and Authority- PASSED

Current Wording
Section 3. Responsibility and Authority
The board members will perform the duties pertaining to their respective offices and other such duties as may be defined by the Board of Directors.

Proposed Wording
Section 3. Responsibility and Authority
The board members shall perform the duties pertaining to their respective offices as defined in the AASL Policies and other such duties as may be defined by the Board of Directors.

Rationale for Change
To indicate where the duties for each respective office are delineated.

Section 6. Reports- PASSED

Current Wording
Section 6. Reports
Action taken by the AASL Board of Directors shall be reported at the annual membership meeting of AASL. Any action of the Board may be reconsidered by the AASL membership.

Proposed Wording
Section 6. Reports
The AASL Board of Directors shall summarize annually the work of the association at the virtual membership meeting.

Rationale for Change
To explain what topics are covered in the virtual membership meetings. The AASL Policies cover how an action can be reconsidered.

Article VI. Nominations and Elections

Section 2. Leadership Development Committee- PASSED

Current Wording
Section 2. Leadership Development Committee
A committee of seven (7) or more members shall be automatic appointments from the following positions: the AASL Immediate Past President as Chair, the AASL Chapters Immediate Past Chair, a Knowledge Quest Editorial Board Member, three (3) immediate past section chairs, two (2) “public members” not serving as any AASL elected official, and one (1) active Board of Directors member.

Proposed Wording
Section 2. Leadership Development Committee
A committee of seven (7) or more members shall be appointed by the AASL President-Elect. The AASL Immediate Past President shall serve as Chair and be the only board member on the committee. The composition of the committee shall reflect the constituency of the AASL membership.

Rationale for Change
Allows the AASL President-elect to select from a wider base of members for the committee who are knowledgeable about the various constituencies within the AASL membership. Moves the composition of the Leadership Development Committee to the AASL Policy addressing this committee. All other committee compositions are described within Section J Committees of the AASL Policies.

Board of Directors


Amanda Kordeliski
Director of Libraries and Instructional Technology
Norman Public Schools


Juan Rivera
School Librarian
Philip Randolph High School
New York


Hannah Byrd Little
Director of Library
The Webb School


Lindsey Kimery
Coordinator of Library Services
Metro Nashville Public Schools

Educators of School Librarians Section


Jenna Kammer
Associate Professor
University of Central Missouri

Independent Schools Section


Kelly Hincks
Lower School Librarian
Detroit Country Day School


Diana Rendina
Media Specialist
Tampa Preparatory School

Supervisors Section


Kevin Washburn
Director, Library Programs
District of Columbia Public Schools
District of Columbia