Face-to-Face Institutes

Find out how you can bring one of YALSA's licensed institutes to your library!

YALSA can provide training for your organization from its top-notch teen services trainers. You supply the space and audience, and YALSA supplies experienced facilitators, materials, and content.

YALSA's CE Consultant and cohort of Learning Facilitators work with each institution to design Institute content that meets the organization's specific needs.

YALSA's online courses may also be customized and licensed as a full-day face-to-face workshop.

Read participant testimonials to find out why you should bring in one of YALSA's consultants.

For more information check out this pricing guide (.pdf), or to discuss how these events can be tailored to your needs, please contact LaMoya Burks, lburks@ala.org.


Beginner's Guide to Teens & Libraries

Nearly every staff person interacts with teens in some way. This training is geared toward providing staff with strategies to ensure that the interaction is positive.

Teen Services with Impact

Providing quality services for and with teens requires a focus on outcomes, integrating youth voice and connected learning into programs and services, and engaging with community and families. Participants in this institute learn about these topics and how to bring them into their services for and with teens.

Future Ready with the Library

Middle school provides the perfect opportunity to help youth connect their passions and interests with ideas for their future. In this Institute, participants have the chance to learn about middle school needs and how to start working with them so that they have the chance to envision a positive future whether it be college or career or both.

Teen Services Competencies for Library Staff

Participants in this Institute learn how to build the knowledge and skills within YALSA's Teen Services Competencies for Library Staff into their day-to-day practices from designing activities for and with teens to writing job descriptions.

Speak Up, Stand Up, Step Up: Advocating for Teens

Speaking up for teens and teen library services is an important part of the work of all librarians, and particularly important for young adult librarians. It can however be difficult to know how to be successful as a teen advocate and it can be hard to help community members, administrators, and colleagues understand why teen services are important to teens and to the entire library community. Participants in this Institute will learn how to articulate the value of teen services by focusing on the skills and knowledge, the outcomes, teens gain when they take part in library activities..