Frequently Asked Questions

Job Seekers

Who can use the e-mail review service? This service is open to members of the New Members Round Table. Not a member yet? Dues are only $15 for regular membership and $10 for student membership in addition to the ALA membership fee. See Membership at ALA's site to sign up!

Can I get help in person? Yes! Visit the Resume Review Service at every ALA Annual and Midwinter Conference. Sit down one-on-one with a reviewer to get help with your resume and/or cover letter. Watch for announcements on discussion lists, including NMRT-L, NEWLIB-L, and NEXGEN-L.

Do I have to be a NMRT member to use the RRS at Annual and Midwinter?

No, the on-site resume review service is available to anyone attending and is located at the ALA Placement Center.

How do I submit my resume to be reviewed? Instructions

How long will it take to get comments? Your resume will be returned to you, complete with comments and suggestions from the reviewer, within a month.


How do I become a resume reviewer? If you have significant experience in the hiring process or on search committees, we would love to hear from you. Please see this page for more information.

How many resumes would I be reviewing? That is up to you. We allow you to set the amount of reviews that you would like. Some range from 1 per month to 2-3 per year. The time might be minimal but the impact is huge!

Please direct any questions or comments to:

NMRT Resume Review Service Co-chairs