Get Involved with YALSA
About I Ways to Participate I Sign Up I Resources CLICK ON THIS IMAGE
YALSA volunteer opportunities include more short-term, opt-in, and virtual opportunities. Members can learn about these as they become available via the weekly YALSA eNews.
Watch a free video on getting involved in YALSA and making the most of your membership, featuring YALSA members Jack Martin and Kate McNair.
Check out our Google calendar to see what we have going on.
YALSA has dozens of ways for its members and supporters to get involved, including many options for virtual participation. Whether you choose to volunteer to gain additional leadership opportunities, build your resume, increase exposure in the association or library community, or give back to the profession, YALSA relies on you to help support the association and make a positive difference in serving teens through libraries.
Whichever way you choose to get involved, we are committed to providing you with a meaningful experience. If you have any questions, or would like additional information, we’re happy to help! Email YALSA at
Not a YALSA member yet? Learn more and join today!
Ways to Participate
Connect (Interest Groups, social media, listservs, local meet-ups)
Learn (webinars, e-courses, institutes, conferences, mentoring, videos)
Participate (committees, juries, taskforces, advisory boards, running for office, grants)
Share (publish, blog, present a program, nominate a book, participate in a resource retreat)
Support (donate, host a fundraiser, sponsor, advocate, recruit)
Sign Up to Participate
- To put your name forward for consideration for appointment to a committee, use the Committee Volunteer Form (appointments are made only in Oct. and March).
- Members can opt in on a year-round basis to activities that are not committee related, such as blogging, training, mentoring, etc., use this online form
- If you'd like to receive periodic updates about news and opportunities relating to the implementation of YALSA's organizational plan, please share your name and email via this online form.
Additional Resources
- Ten Questions to Ask before you Volunteer
- Committee FAQ
- Ethical Behavior Policy for Volunteers (PDF)
- Watch this brief video about one member's path to getting involved in ALA. For details on how to get involved in ALA, watch this 2 minute presentation