Getting Started

Advocacy is integral to achieving the library mission. Whether at the local, state, or federal level, delivering a compelling story to the right decision maker can make a big difference, but being an effective library advocate goes beyond contacting legislators when a critical bill is on the floor for a vote.

Advocacy is a year-round commitment to building relationships with elected officials and decision makers at every level of government. Strengthening these connections help promote an understanding of the economic, cultural, and community values of libraries at the local, statewide, and national levels.

From best practices for engaging elected leaders and local media, to one-pagers on issues like digital equity, library funding, and more, ALA provides resources to develop a year-round advocacy strategy and information to enhance your knowledge of library-related policy issues. Browse the website or search the comprehensive collection of advocacy resources.

When it comes to speaking up for libraries, there's strength in numbers. Sign up for ALA’s advocate mailing list to receive real-time action alerts and updates on federal policy issues related to the library field.

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