Executive Board


The Rainbow Round Table is governed by an elected executive board. The board consists of the Chair, Chair-Elect, Past-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, Councilor, and five Directors-at-Large.

The Executive Board will:

  • Provide oversight and long-term planning for the round table, including: goal-setting, programs, projects, activities, and publications;
  • Conduct and review all business between membership meetings;
  • Carry out the formal decisions of membership;
  • Review and approve an annual round table budget;
  • Report activities to membership through round table communication channels in a timely manner, including via membership and board email lists and ALA Connect;
  • Liaise with RRT Committee Chairs and facilitate the work of other RRT Committees;
  • Refrain from entering into contracts in the name of the round table. (Only ALA staff may enter into contracts.);
  • Make recommendations to membership by all round table communication channels; and
  • Hold board meetings that follow ALA Policy Manual: A.7.4 Regulations and Guidelines: Conferences and Meetings


Chaz Carey
(Chair, January 1, 2024, to July 31, 2024)
Chaz Carey
(Rainbow Chair-Elect, July 1, 2023, to July 31, 2024)
Ms. Lea Beth Wentworth
(Secretary, July 1, 2023, to July 31, 2024)
Ms. DontanĂ¡ D. McPherson-Joseph
(Rainbow Past-Chair, July 1, 2023, to July 31, 2024)
Angela C. Datri
(Director-at-Large, July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2025)
Mrs. Amy W. Dodson
(Director-at-Large, June 1, 2022, to July 31, 2024)
Samuel Charles Rumore
(Director-at-Large, June 30, 2022, to July 31, 2024)
Ms. Elizabeth Ann Sanders
(Director-at-Large, July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2025)
Mr. Rowan Ashley Smith
(Director-at-Large, July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2025)
Erin Berman
(Round Table Representative, June 1, 2022, to June 30, 2025)
Ana Elisa De Campos Salles
(ALA Executive Board Liaison, June 1, 2022, to July 31, 2024)
Anjali Jain
(Staff Liaison, July 1, 2023, to December 31, 2099)

Displaying active committee roster as of 07/10/2024. Last retrieved on 07/10/2024. Refresh now.


Leadership Responsibilities

More about the duties of the board and committee chairs can be found in the Rainbow RT Leadership Responsibilities document.

Board Liaisons to RRT Committees

Directors-at-large committee liaison assignments are listed on the Board Committee Liaison Roster.


Use the board contact form to send a message to board membership. Members can also join the board email list with read only access: RRT Board (Read Only) Electronic Mailing List


  • RRT board meetings are held monthly by conference call.
    • Any ALA members are encouraged to attend.
    • Watch the RRT email list for agendas and conference call information.

  • The board maintains an agenda item parking lot list. Watch this list to see what the board is working on. The parking lot also contains information on how to pose an agenda item for a board meeting.

The RRT Executive Board consists of elected officers and directors-at-large. Board members are elected by the round table membership during ALA elections annual in the Spring. Officers begin and end terms immediately at the close of ALA Annual Conferences.

The round table elects:

  • a chair annually (serves a three year cycle as: chair-elect; chair; past-chair);
  • a secretary every two years in even-numbered years (two-year term);
  • a treasurer every two years in odd-numbered years (two-year term);
  • directors-at-large annually; (two elected in odd-numbered years and three elected in even-numbered years) (two-year terms); and
  • a round table councilor every three years (2013, 2016, etc.).
Subcommitees and Task Forces

The RRT Executive Board consists of elected officers and directors-at-large. Board members are elected by the round table membership during ALA elections annual in the Spring. Officers begin and end terms immediately at the close of ALA Annual Conferences.

The round table elects:

  • a chair annually (serves a three year cycle as: chair-elect; chair; past-chair);
  • a secretary every two years in even-numbered years (two-year term);
  • a treasurer every two years in odd-numbered years (two-year term);
  • directors-at-large annually; (two elected in odd-numbered years and three elected in even-numbered years) (two-year terms); and
  • a round table councilor every three years (2013, 2016, etc.).

The Rainbow Round Table (formerly the GLBT Round Table) Executive Board began at the close of the 2012 ALA Annual Conference. During the 2011 ALA election, GLBTRT members adopted bylaws created by the GLBTRT Bylaws & Procedure Manual Ad hoc Committee. The new language specified a board would become the governing body of the organization, replacing the steering committee. Amendments to the pre-2011 election bylaws are captured in "Revised 2011 Election" at the bottom of the bylaws page. Prior to the board, the round table was lead by the GLBTRT Steering Committee. The committee consisted of elected officers (co-chairs of differing gender identities, treasurer, and secretary) and committee chairs. The new bylaws took effect at the close of 2011 Annual Conference. Exceptions to the new bylaws were made in the 2011 Revised Bylaws Implementation Roadmap, which was adopted at the 2011 Membership Meeting. During that period, the committee consisted of the: chair, chair-elect, immediate past-chair, secretary, treasurer, councilor, and standing committee chairs. At the close of the 2012 ALA Annual Conference, the steering committee was dissolved, and the GLBTRT Executive Board formed.

Staff Liaison

Kevin Strowder

Director, ALA Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services

225 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1300

Chicago, IL 60601
