ALSC Governance | Elections

The Association for Library Service to Children is governed by a 13-member Board elected by the membership, which includes the President, Vice President/President-Elect, Immediate Past President, Fiscal Officer, Councilor, and eight Directors. The five officers serve as the division's Executive Committee. The ALSC Executive Director serves ex-officio on the Executive Committee and the Board.

The Board meets twice annually, at ALA's Annual Conference in June and January conference. The Board also conducts business and votes electronically in between meetings.

To help facilitate committee work, committees are organized into eight Priority Groups, represented by Priority Group Consultants who serve as resources, mentors, and liaisons between committee chairs and the ALSC Board.

For more information about Board actions, ALSC Bylaws, ALSC policies and procedures, and more, please explore the links at the left.

For policies and procedures, including manuals, for ALSC media award and evaluation and professsional award and scholarship committees, please see the individual award pages found in the Awards & Grants and Scholarships sections.