ALA Representation on IFLA Standing Committees

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ALA Units and IFLA Sections

To assure that highly qualified candidates represent ALA on IFLA section standing committees the following units are asked to bring forward nominations for ALA representatives. Once selected to serve on IFLA committees the representatives should report back to the units, with copies to the International Relations Office, on activities within the IFLA section.

Current ALA Representatives to IFLA Standing Committees
Academic and General Research Libraries Karen Downing, University of Michigan Library 2021-2025
Acquisition and Collection Development Michael Levine-Clark, University of Denver 2021-2025
Ann Roll, California State University 2023-2027, 2nd term
Art Libraries Claudia Covert, Rhode Island School of Design 2021-2025
Elsa Loftis, Portland State University 2023-2027, 2nd term.
Audiovisual and Multimedia Monique Threatt, University of Indiana 2021-2025, 2nd term
Bibliography No Representative
Cataloging Joan Wang, Washington University, Saint Louis 2023-2027
Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning Joan Weeks, Library of Congress 2023-2027
Document Delivery & Resource Sharing Tina Baich, IUPUI University Library 2023-2027, 2nd term
Education and Training Sandy Hirsh, San Jose State University 2021-2025
Government Information and Official Publications No representative
Government Libraries No representative
Health and BioSciences Libraries No representative
Indigenous Matters Cindy Hohl, Kansas City Public Library 2021-2025
Information Literacy Merinda Hensley, University of Illinois 2023-2027, 2nd Term
Information Technology No Representative
Knowledge Management Evviva Weiraub Lajoie, University of Buffalo 2021-2025
Libraries for Children and Young Adults No representative
Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities Danielle Miller, Washington Talking Book and Braille Library 2021-2025
Library Services to People with Special Needs No Representative
Library Buildings and Equipment No Representative
Library and Research Services for Parliaments No Representative
Library Services to Multicultural Populations Lan Gao, Cleveland Public Library 2021-2025, 2nd Term
Library Theory and Research Clara Chu, Mortenson Center for International Library Programs, University of Illinois 2021-2025, 2nd Term
Literacy and Reading Saif Al-Jabri, Sultan Qaboos University 2021-2025
Local History and Genealogy Section Jennifer Brannock, University of Southern Mississippi 2021-2025
Management and Marketing Jeannie Bail, University of New Brunswick 2023-2027, 2nd term
Management of Library Associations Loida Garcia-Febo, New Wave 2023-2027, 2nd term
Metropolitan Libraries Carolyn Anthony, Retired 2021-2025, 2nd term
National Libraries No Representative
News Media Nina Servizzi, New York University 2023-2027, 2nd term
Tinamarie Vela, CUNY Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism 2021-2025
Preservation and Conservation No Representative
Public Libraries Ramiro Salazar, San Antonio Public Library 2021-2025, 2nd term
Rare Books and Special Collections Honor Moody, Harvard University 2023-2027
Reference and Information Services Min Chou, New Jersey City University 2021-2025
School Libraries and Resource Centers No Representative
Science and Technology Libraries Kara Whatley, California Institute of Technology 2021-2025
Sandy Avila, S.P.I.E - The International Society of Optics and Photonics 2023-2027, 2nd term
Serials and Other Continuing Resources No representative
Social Science Libraries LeRoy LaFluer, Harvard University 2023-2027
Abby Moore, UNC Charlotte 2021-2025
Subject Analysis and Access Richard Sapon-White 2021-2025

Standing Committees and ALA Units Responsible for Nominating Representatives
Standing Committee ALA Unit
Academic and Research Libraries ACRL
Acquisition & Collection Development CORE
Art Libraries ACRL
Audiovisual & Multimedia FMRT
Bibliography CORE
Cataloguing CORE
Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning LearnRT
Document Delivery & Resource Sharing RUSA
Education & Training COE
Environment and Sustainability and Libraries SustainRT
Government Information & Official Publications GODORT
Government Libraries RUSA (FAFLIG)
Health Biosciences Libraries IRC
Indigenous Matters ODLOS
Information Literacy ACRL/AASL
Information Technology CORE
Knowledge Management CORE
Libraries for Children and Young Adults ALSC/YALSA
Libraries Services Persons with Print Disabilities ODLOS
Library Services to People with Special Needs ODLOS
Library Buildings & Equipment CORE
Library & Research Services for Parliaments CORE
Library Services to Multicultural Populations EMIERT
Library Theory & Research COE
Literacy and Reading ODLOS
Management & Marketing CORE
Management of Library Associations IRC
Metropolitan Libraries PLA
National Libraries IRC
News Media CORE
Preservation & Conservation CORE
Public Libraries PLA
Rare Books & Manuscripts ACRL
Reference & Information Services RUSA
School Libraries AASL
Science & Technology Libraries ACRL
Serials and Other Continuing Resources CORE
Social Science Libraries ACRL
Statistics and Evaluations CORS
Subject Analysis and Access CORE

For a complete list of all IFLA Activities and Services, please visit the IFLA page.

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