International Leads (IL) welcomes articles that reflect the editorial focus of the publication: news about international library activities, the international work of ALA and other organizations, and people and publications in the library field. ILL

To determine the suitability of your article for IL, please send a brief letter (no completed manuscripts at this point please!) to the editor.

After receiving an invitation from the editor, please send one copy of your manuscript, double spaced and no more than 1,500 words in length, as an attachment to an e-mail message. Please save your manuscript in Rich Text Format (.rtf) to enable its opening and editing.

IL welcomes the submission of photographs and other graphics to illustrate articles. Please send them also as e-mail attachments; preferably to the same message as the text (if your e-mail client permits). Please send them in any of the following formats: .jpg, .gif, .tiff. IL reserves the right to reject all manuscripts unsuitable for the newsletter. IL reserves the right to edit all manuscripts accepted for publication. IL also reserves the right to edit letters to the editor for length and style.

Please send all inquiries, manuscripts and other news items to:

International Leads

c/o Whitney Bevill, Gloria Dikeogu, Amanda Harrison, Anna Kozlawska, and Igor Cabbab (ala.intl.leads[@] (ala.intl.leads[@]