ALA-International Resolutions

ALA Resolutions on the Destruction and Rebuilding of Libraries

ALA Policy 53.7 Intellectual Freedom- Destruction of Libraries:

The American Library Association deplores the destruction of libraries, library collections and property, and the disruption of the educational process by that act, whether it be done by individuals or groups of individuals and whether it be in the name of honest dissent, the desire to control or limit thought or ideas, or for any other purpose.

ALA Resolutions on Human Rights and Freedom of Expression

ALA Policy 53.1.12:

The American Library Association believes that freedom of expression is an inalienable human right, necessary to self-government, vital to the resistance of oppression, and crucial to the course of justice, and further, that the principles of freedom of expression should be applied by libraries and librarians throughout the world.

Memorial Resolutions

Other ALA Resolutions

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