Job Hunting Resource Guide

Job Hunting Research Guide

Resume, CV, Cover Letter and Thank You Letter Websites

Job Interview Websites

The Academic Library Interview Process

Instructions for Conference Reviewees

Tough Decisions--What to do?

Job Listings

HR Perspective on Job Hunting


Journal Articles

Adams, Susan. “Secrets Of Making The Most Of Job Search Websites.” Forbes.Com, 13 (2014).

The article discusses tips for using job search web sites effectively. It explains why job seekers need to spend only 10 percent of their time on employment web sites. It recommends use of job search aggregators which include Indeed and SimplyHired, noting how these gather details from company web sites, job boards, and newspapers. Topics explored also include the importance of online networking in one's job search and the availability of various jobs on career web site Glassdoor.

Beaubien, Greg. "Even When Not Receiving Responses, Continue Networking, Experts Say." Public Relations Tactics, Vol. 20, No. 4 (April 2013), 13.

The article focuses on expert advice about continuing networking efforts even when not receiving a response, focusing on the positive and immediately following up on those people who responded.

DeVelder, Carla J. "Mind Your Mannerisms: It's Not Just What You Say But How You Say It." Student Lawyer, Vol. 41, No. 7 (March, 2013): 14-15.

The article highlights the importance of being wary about mannerisms during an employment interview. Words, tone of voice and nonverbal behaviors were the three elements found by communication studies as the essential in any face-to-face communication. The author advises job hunters to arrive early for their interview so that they are already calm and unflustered when it starts. She adds one must also be aware of using filler words like "urn," "uhh" and "like."

Easton, Bonnie. "Career Reality Check." Library Journal, Vol. 137, No. 1 (January 1, 2012), 49-51.

The article offers advice for young adults of Generation Y in their post-college graduation job search. Tips include looking for jobs at small companies and nonprofit organizations, considering relocation, and asking advice from professionals within one's chosen career. Several books, websites, and subscription databases are recommended as ways librarians and public libraries can aid these searches.

Editorial Board. “What Not To Do When Applying For Library Jobs.” In the Library With the Lead (June 24, 2009).

Snippets of suggestions about the full process of applying, from preparing application materials to interviewing to accepting an offer. This is the website of a team of librarians working in various types of libraries that also features articles by guests representing other perspectives including educators, administrators, library support staff, and community members. Each article is peer-reviewed by at least one external and one internal reviewer.

Hernandez, Jessica Holbrook. "Your Next Boss Needs To Hear THIS In The Job Interview." California Job Journal, Vol. 31, No. 1309 (March 10, 2013): 5.

The article offers tips on what to say during a job interview to help convince the employer to consider the applicant. It is said that employers would want an employee who can understand instructions easily and gets the job done. Letting the employer know that the applicant is a team player is important. Loyalty and commitment to the job and the organization is also essential to be communicated to prospective employer.

Hodge, Megan, and Nicole Spoor. "Congratulations! You've Landed An Interview: What Do Hiring Committees Really Want?." New Library World, Vol. 113, No. 3/4 (2012), 139-161.

Although the job market remains extremely competitive for entry-level librarian positions, only individual, anecdotal stories of what hiring committees are looking for in the candidates they invite to interview, currently exist; no formal studies have been conducted since the recession began in early 2008. This survey was created with the aim of allowing those with recent experience on hiring committees to provide advice to those on the market for entry-level public and academic librarian positions and to answer what are, for many job-seekers, burning questions.

Intner, Sheila S. “Why Do Job Search Homework?” (cover story). Technicalities, Vol. 33, No.3 (2013), 1-6.

The author calls on librarians to conduct job search homework before applying at a library. She recommends that librarians visit their potential employing library and spend time there to determine whether the workplace is really where they want to work. She adds that through observation, one can discover the truth about his/her potential job environments, such as the policies and connections. She also advises job seekers to study the job details to know what the job entails.

Kenney, Brian. “How to Land a Library Job.” Publishers Weekly, Vol. 260, No. 31 (2013) 22-23

In this article the author discusses how to secure a library job. Topics discussed include the necessity of looking for open library positions nationally and having a willingness to move, the importance of examining the institution that has placed a library job advertisement, and the role of the narrative in making an application logical and hiring inevitable.

Keith, Brian. “The Ins and Outs of Job Hunting for Library Positions - An Insider's Perspective.” (

Slides from a talk given at the ALA Placement Center at ALA Annual 2011. Includes advice on cover letters & interviews for academic library positions but adaptable for all types of libraries.

Jacobs, Deborah L. "How To Use Social Media To Find A Job." (March 4, 2013).

The article offers tips on using social media to find a job. It suggests concentrating the job search on the social networking Web site LinkedIn, which is purely professional, rather than using Facebook, which gives emphasis to friends. Job applicants are advised to personalize their message to people with experience, contacts or knowledge of the industry in which they want to work. It also stresses the importance of keeping all of their correspondences professional and courteous.

Scudder, Ken. "Preparation Is Key." Public Relations Tactics, Vol. 20, No. 4 (April, 2013), 16.

The article discusses the importance of preparation for job interviews using media training techniques. Media trainers, it says, help clients in creating an agenda for an interview that could have a similar pattern in job interviews with regards to making a specific agenda by being focused and showing good leadership qualities. It also notes practicing before a job interview, thinking about questions for opportunities to make some points and checking on body language.

Smart, Karl L. "Articulating Skills In The Job Search." Business Communication Quarterly , Vol. 67, No. 2 (January 1, 2004), 198-205.

No matter how skilled students may be, those skills will not lead to a job if potential employers do not know the applicant has them. This article provides a strategy to help students seeking jobs identify skills and articulate them in proof statements that are supported by detailed examples. Such achievement statements can be used in job letters as well as in interviews. Effective proof statements show rather than just tell potential employers of job seekers' qualifications.

Smith, Jacquelyn. "How Social Media Can Help (Or Hurt) You In Your Job Search." (April 16, 2013).

The article offers helpful tips for getting a job through the social media as to the way hiring managers and recruiters use them to learn about job applicants. According to a survey of 2,303 human resource professionals, 37% of employers are using social networks to screen job candidates, saying they offer jobs to those who present themselves professionally. It also notes being consistent in highlighting qualifications and accomplishments in Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter.

Smith, Jacquelyn. “How To Talk About Your Biggest Weakness in a Job Interview.” (February 19, 2013).

The article offers tips on presenting one's weaknesses in a job interview. It states that managers usually ask employees for weaknesses to know how a person faces challenges. According to the author, the best way to tell one's weakness is to be truthful but avoid telling weaknesses that could conflict the job description.

Spector, Richard. "10 Résumé Revising Tips." Public Relations Tactics, Vol. 20, No. 2 (February, 2013): 22.

In this article, the author offers tips for resume writing and revising which include addition of background summary, groundwork on the types of jobs, and feedback from friends.

Sternberg, Robert J. "12 Bloopers To Avoid In Job Interviews." Chronicle Of Higher Education, Vol. 59, No. 25 (March 1, 2013), A31-A32.

The article offers advice for interviewees for positions at colleges and universities. It is said that interviewees need to be aware of the social dynamics of campus visits. Advice given includes answering the questions that are asked, admitting the limits of one's knowledge, and not lying about one's background or achievements. Also addressed are the need to competently discuss personal weaknesses, the necessity of not making demands before having a job offer, and problems with using technology during job talks.

Weddle, Peter. "Who Are You Again? (Cover Story)." California Job Journal, Vol. 31, No. 1308 (February 24, 2013), p1-9.

The article shares tips on how jobseekers can ensure that employers and recruiters remember them. It was mentioned that as of 2013, many recruiters are under enormous pressure as hiring has climbed with the easing of the recession in the U.S. It is stated that jobseekers who have been previously interviewed by an employer or recruiter should treat the next interviewer as their first. In addition, jobseekers should update recruiters if they have added a credential to their resume.

Wright, Edward W., Theresa A. Domagalski, and Ronald Collins. "Improving Employee Selection With A Revised Resume Format." Business Communication Quarterly, Vol. 74, No. 3 (September, 2011), 272-286.

This study investigates the acceptance of a prototype resume that includes candidate personality assessment information. Data were obtained from hiring managers and human resource professionals in regional chapters of the Society for Human Resource Management. Respondents found the new content useful and that the new information added value when compared with a traditional resume. This study suggests the possibility of improving the effectiveness of candidate screening and selection with the inclusion of such data in a standard resume and may be useful for instructing new business school graduates in the preparation of their professional resumes.


Cracking the New Job Market: The 7 Rules for Getting Hired In Any Economy. William R. Holland and Barbara Ehrenreich. New York: American Management Association, 2012.

How To Get a Great Job: A Library How-To Handbook. American Library Association Staff. Chicago: American Library Association, 2011.

How To Say It On Your Resume: a Top Recruiting Director’s Guide to Writing the Perfect Resume for Every Job. Brad Karsh with Courtney Pike. New York: Prentice Hall, 2009.

A Librarian’s Guide to an Uncertain Job Market. Jeannette Woodward. Chicago: American Library Association, 2011.

The Job Search Solution: The Ultimate System For Finding A Great Job Now! Tony Beshara. New York: AMACOM, 2012.

The New Professional’s Toolkit. Bethan Ruddock. London: Facet Publishing, 2012.

Resume Magic: Trade Secrets of a Professional Resume Writer. Susan Britton Whitcomb. Indianapolis: JIST, 2010.

Thank You For Firing Me!: How To Catch the Next Wave of Success After You Lose Your Job. Kitty Martini and Candice Reed. New York: Sterling, 2010.

Use Your Head to Get Your Foot in the Door: Job Search Secrets No One Else Will Tell You. Harvey Mackay. New York: Penguin Group (USA) Incorporated, 2011.

Working in the Virtual Stacks: the New Library & Information Science. Laura Townsend Kane. Chicago: American Library Association, 2011


Disclaimer: Links to websites are provided purely for educational purposes. No responsibility is assumed for any content on the linked sites nor any problems associated with the use of products or services mentioned in the websites. No endorsement of products or companies is intended, nor is criticism of unnamed products or companies implied.

American Library Association.

Coordinated by ALA’s Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment, this is the premier site for job listings for all types of libraries all over the country. It offers one-stop-access for career leads, communicating with employers, and tips for success in the library and information science profession.

Career Transitions.

For new job seekers. This is an aggregate of information from such websites as O*NET ( and the mega--job search engine SimplyHired (, with job search tips and videos of mock interviews.

In the Library With the Lead Pipe.

Website of a team of librarians working in various types of libraries who provide a forum for educators, administrators, library support staff, and community members.

Library Career People.

Begun as an advice column in 2003, this helpful site has evolved into a Q&A/discussion/blog forum of professional guidance and advice for librarians, library staff, and those thinking of entering the profession.

[Blog] Mister Library Dude. (

The blog of Joe Hardenbrook, an academic librarian who addresses libraries, technology, and teaching. Resources cited in one of his blogs, “Nailing the Library Interview,” (updated March 4, 2013) is taken from personal files that reflect his experience of having served on a number of search committees and the questions he likes to ask potential librarians.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook.

The print version of this title is a reference staple that is the government’s premier source of career guidance featuring hundreds of occupations. This is the online version of the annually printed book.

The Wikiman.

In 2009, Ned Potter who works in Higher Education, started this website to support his blog in which he covers new professionals issues, hot library topics, social media, marketing libraries, and guides to online platforms. “What’s the Key to a Good Interview – Beyond the Usual Truisms We All Know Already?” (, April 2011) is one of many useful thought pieces.

The Resume Review Service committee has made every attempt to keep this guide as relevant as possible through regular updates. Have a website, article, or book that you would like to recommend for it? Let us know! Contact