Library History Round Table Constitution

library history round table
Revised July 2006
(incorporates 2006 Ballot Changes)

Article I Name

The name of this organization shall be the Library History Round Table of the American Library Association.

Article II Purpose

The purpose of this organization shall be to encourage research and publication on library history and promote awareness and discussion of historical issues in librarianship.

Article III Membership

Any person, library, or other organization, being a member in good standing of the American Library Association and interested in library history, may become a member of the Round Table upon payment of the dues as provided for in the Bylaws.

Article IV Officers

Section 1

The officers of this organization shall be a Chair, a Chair-elect who shall serve as Vice-Chair and Chair of the Research Committee, a Secretary-Treasurer, a Secretary-Treasurer-elect who shall serve as Vice-Secretary Treasurer, and two Members at Large all of whom shall be personal members in good standing of the Library History Round Table.

Section 2

The term of office for the Chair, Chair-elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and Secretary-Treasurer-elect shall be one year. The term of office for the Members at Large shall be two years, the terms being staggered so that one new Member at Large is elected each year. Persons shall be eligible for reelection to any position only after a minimum interval of one year out of office.

Section 3

The Round Table shall be governed by an Executive Committee comprising the Officers plus the immediate past-Chair and the immediate past Secretary-Treasurer.

Article V Meetings

Section 1

The annual meeting of the Library History Round Table shall take place during the Annual conference of the American Library Association.

Section 2

At membership meetings, a quorum shall consist of those personal members present.

Section 3

Meetings of this organization shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order.

Section 4

The Library History Round Table shall plan, develop, and execute the quinquennial conference of meetings known as the Library History Seminar to be held in the first and the sixth year of each decade (e.g., 2005, 2010, 2015)

Article VI Amendments

Section 1

Amendments to this Constitution shall be proposed in writing and may be initiated by either the Chair or by any twenty-five members in good standing.

Section 2

Amendments may be voted on only after notice of such amendments has been distributed in paper or electronic format to the membership at least thirty days prior to presentation of the amendments for vote.

Section 3

This Constitution may be amended in either of two ways:

  1. A By a two-thirds vote of members present and voting at the next annual meeting following proper notice of such amendment, or
  2. B By a majority vote of the entire membership conducted by mail ballot, if such be requested by a majority of the members present at any annual meeting.

Article VII Bylaws

The members of the Library History Round Table shall adopt Bylaws, or may amend or repeal existing Bylaws not inconsistent with this Constitution, by a majority vote of the members present and voting at any annual meeting, provided that printed notice of such proposed amendments has been distributed to the membership in print or electronic format at least thirty days prior to the presentation of the amendment for vote.