Libraries & Voter Engagement Press Kit


Libraries are centers of civic engagement in communities, schools, and academic institutions. By providing information, resources, and programming to foster full participation in the democratic process, libraries are valuable partners to government agencies, community leaders, and elected officials. Ensuring that eligible voters are registered and ready for the election is a critical piece of that engagement and, with voter registration rates lower than usual due to the pandemic, libraries respond to that call with a renewed sense of urgency.

Voter Engagement in Action

*For state-by-state updates about primary election dates, voter registration, and ballot request deadlines, visit

Media Resources

Libraries as Locations for Ballot Drop-Boxes and/or In-Person Voting

2020 Library Referenda Roundup

Discourse for Democracy

Libraries and Voter Engagement

ALA Resolution on Voter Suppression in America

The Public Library’s Role during Elections: Voter Education in the Age of Misinformation

GODORT Voting & Elections Toolkits

Fast Facts

Civic Involvement By The Numbers

Libraries Engage Voters

Press Releases

ALA urges libraries to partner with National Voter Registration Day

ALA offers free webinar for libraries about National Voter Registration Day

Media Contact:

Shawnda Hines

Assoc. Director of Communications, ALA Washington Office

(202) 628-8410