Links of Interest


Libraries and archives

Resources for the study of library history

Library history exhibitions

Book arts and book history



Electronic discussion lists

Graduate schools

Libraries and Archives

ALA Archives. See also library history exhibits, below.

Boston Public Library.

Florida Library History Project. A collaborative effort to link Florida library histories for public, academic and special libraries.

H-Net List of Public Library Histories on the Web.

Grolier Club. Founded in 1884, the oldest bibliophile society in America. Now also a research library of note.

Library of Congress home page. See also the LC Center for the Book and the list of State Center Affiliates

Library of Virginia. Regrettably, the Virginia Center for the Book has been eliminated due to budget cuts.

Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University. African-American studies: library, archives, museum, and manuscript department. The website has a section which recounts the history of the center.

National Library of Australia. Detailed history of the library's collections, and description of some notable holdings.

New York Public Library Research tools; finding aids.

Presidential Library System of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Before FDR, many presidential documents were destroyed. This site tells of the founding of the presidential libraries beginning in 1939.

Repositories of Primary Sources on the Web. Comprehensive list of archives on the web. Note: as of January 1, 2015, this list is no longer updated or maintained.

Redwood Library and Athenaeum. The Redwood Library, founded in 1747, is the oldest American library building still in use. The site features information about subscription libraries.

Resources for the Study of Library History

Libraries Today. Lorne Bruce's site for Canadian library history.

Library History Database. This database of 27,000 libraries in the UK was developed by Robin Alston, University of London.

RED: Reading Experience Database. A joint project of the British Library and the Open University to record reading experiences in the British Isles, 1450-1914.

Wesley, Dorothy Porter. A biographical site to honor this pioneer of African-American librarianship. Wesley was librarian at the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center of Howard University for many years.

Library History Exhibitions

219 Loyola: Building a Library for New Orleans. New Orleans Public Library. See also the Rosa Keller Branch history and exhibition. Rosa Keller, a social activist, became the first woman on the Board of Directors at NOPL in 1973.

"Books Go To War: The Armed Services Editions in World War Two." University of Virginia Library.

"Censored: Wielding the Red Pen." University of Virginia:

"Gutenberg and Beyond: Books, Libraries, and Changing Technology." Georgetown University Library, Special Collections.

Public Library of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County: A Century of Service. Charlotte, North Carolina.

A Silver Anniversary: The First 25 Years of the Kenneth Spencer Research Library. (1999) University of Kansas.

"When Books Burn," exhibit presented by the University of Arizona Library.

Lists of exhibitions:

Library and Archival Exhibitions on the Web. Smithsonian Institution Libraries. An extensive list, alphabetical by title of exhibition.

Book Arts and Book History

History of Books and Printing. New York Public Library's research guide.

Book Information Website.This site contains a wealth of information on book arts and book history: papermaking, typography, printing history, book dealers, and many other topics.

Resources for the History of Books and Printing. Maintained by Daniel Traister at the University of Pennsylvania.


American Library Association

American Printing History Association

Association for the Bibliography of History

Bibliographic Society (London)

Bibliographic Society of America

Bibliographic Society of Canada/La Societe Bibliographique du Canada

IFLA Library History Section

Library History Group. Part of CILIP(UK). CILIP is the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals, a new professional body formed following the unification of the Institute of Information Scientists (IIS) and the Library Association (LA).

SHARP: Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing.


Book History, a journal published by SHARP.

Libraries & the Cultural Record, an interdisciplinary journal for library history edited by David B. Gracy II, University of Texas at Austin.

Library History. Published by the Library History Group.

Printing History, the journal of the American Printing History Association.

Publishing History, published by ProQuest. Subscription information only.

Electronic Discussion Lists

H-HISTBIBL is a moderated list concerned with the bibliography of history, or history collections in libraries. To subscribe, send a message to

Librariana is a list for collectors of library literature, history and memorabilia. To subscribe, send a message
to (Your message should read "subscribe librariana YOUR NAME").

LIS-LIBHIST is the list run by the Library History Group (Library Association/CILIP, UK).
Send your subscribe message to

ExLibris: (Your message should read "subscribe exlibris"). This is a list for those interested in rare books.

SHARP-L: (Your message should read "subscribe sharp-l"). This list is for discussion of book and printing history.

Graduate Schools

ALA's Directory of Accredited LIS Master's Programs

The Royal School of Library and Information Science Library, Copenhagen, offers a list of links to LIS programs worldwide.

World List of Departments and Schools of Information Studies, Information Management, Information Systems, etc.
maintained by

Suggestions for new links are always welcome.

Last update 01/24/2007