Map & Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT)

Leading and inspiring information professionals at all levels of expertise in their work
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Our Mission

The Map and Geospatial Information Round Table (MAGIRT) leads and inspires information professionals at all levels of expertise in their work with map and geospatial information resources, collections and technologies in all formats, through community, education and advocacy.

Formed in 1980, MAGIRT -- with close to 300 members -- is one of the round tables in the American Library Association. As the world's largest map and geospatial library organization, MAGIRT provides a forum for people interested or involved in any aspect of map or geospatial librarianship.


See the slate of MAGIRT events at ALA 2024 in San Diego!

Volunteer opportunities for members.

Showcase your talk on research and other projects with a MAGIRT webinar.

The MAGIRT newsletter, 1981 to the present.

Add MAGIRT to your ALA membership for only $15.

Pathways to contribute to the profession, receive feedback on research and projects, and add accomplishments to your resume.

MAGIRT member benefits

  • A forum for the exchange of ideas by persons working with or interested in map, geography, or geospatial collections or information
  • Advocacy and education for increased availability, use and control of map and geospatial collections
  • Annual meetings with informative programs and opportunities to meet professional colleagues; virtual and Midwinter working meetings providing opportunities for involvement on committees and task forces; and informal social gatherings offering fun and new friends
  • Publications such as base line, the MAGIRT newsletter; Cartographic Citations: a Style Guide (2nd edition published in 2010) and others related to map, geospatial, geography and GIS libraries and librarianship

Open Volunteer Positions for Members

Are you interested in connecting with talented colleagues who are specialists in their respective fields? Contribute your time as a chair or member of a MAGIRT committee. Opportunities are also available to act as liaison with other professional groups and share information on their activities with MAGIRT members. Fill out the volunteer form!

Currency vacancies include:

  • Online Presence and Publications Committee Chairperson
  • Assistant Webmaster
  • Education Committee Chairperson and Liaison / ALA Education Committee
  • Liaison / United States Geological Survey
  • Liaison / ALCTS-CCS CC:DA
  • Liaison / ACRL, Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS)

Questions & Comments

Please send any comments or corrections on this website to

Staff Contact

Danielle Ponton
Program Manager for Round Tables