Rainbow Round Table Membership

Why Join

The Rainbow Round Table (RRT) of the American Library Association (ALA) was founded in 1970 as ALA's Task Force on Gay Liberation. We are the nation's first gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender professional organization.

The scope of the RRT is broad in both membership and mission. We are the ALA home for the LGBTQIA+ community, their friends and allies. We are committed to serving the information needs of the LGBTQIA+ professional library community, and the LGBTQIA+ information and access needs of individuals at large. We are committed to encouraging and supporting the free and necessary access to all information, as reflected by the missions of the American Library Association and democratic institutions.

The Rainbow RT brings together people from all types and sizes of libraries and information centers, serving their diverse needs and interests. The membership of the Round Table represents all the divisions and round tables of ALA. Membership in the Round Table offers the chance for networking possibilities and ultimately, greater involvement within ALA. Round Table committees are a great way for members to learn more about how ALA works and develop knowledge and skills for a career of involvement in ALA groups. Round Table liaison appointments also provide a way to become more involved in ALA while learning about the organization as well as proving networking opportunities.

How to Join

For the most current information about how to enroll (by phone, fax, online or by mail) and the membership dues schedule, please visit ALA's Membership page. Telephone ALA at 800-545-2433 if other membership questions arise.

If you are already a member of the American Library Association, please consider adding membership in the Rainbow Round Table when renewing your membership. Annual dues for the Round Table are $15.00 (regular), $5.00 (student), or $20.00 (organizational and corporate). If you are interested in joining ALA and the Round Table for the first time, please see the ALA Membership page for additional information.

Membership in the American Library Association is a prerequisite for membership in RRT. ALA membership benefits include: a personal subscription to American Libraries - 11 issues per year; substantially reduced rates at ALA conferences; discounts on ALA monographs; the backing of the strongest unified voice for librarians in the world; and more.

Visit the Rainbow Round Table Committees list to learn more about the work of the Round Table and sign up for a committee that interests you.

Join the RRT on ALA Connect to take part in discussions and ask questions of RRT membership.

RRT Buddy Program

The RRT Buddy Program was created to bring together an active member of the round table with a new and prospective RRT member, as well as any member becoming active for the first time or after a long absence. The buddy pairing is for just one conference, but we hope that you’ll both make a new friend.