Nominating Committee

Current Members | Bylaws | Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM)

sam-godortThe GODORT Nominating Committee coordinates the nomination process for GODORT's elected positions and for appointments to the Depository Library Council from GODORT.

Elected positions

GODORT's elected positions and terms of office are as follows:

  • Assistant Chair/Chair-elect (3 year term: 1 year as Assistant Chair/Chair-elect, 1 year as Chair, 1 year as Past Chair)
  • Secretary (1 year term)
  • Treasurer (2 year term)
  • Bylaws Coordinator (2 year term)
  • Publications Committee Chair-elect (3 year term: 1 year as Assistant Chair/Chair-elect, 1 year as Chair, 1 year as Past Chair)
  • Councilor (3 year term)

The Nominating Committee will solicit nominations for GODORT's elected positions following the Annual conference. Nominees for Assistant Chair/Chair-elect, Secretary, and Publications Committee Chair-elect will be solicited annually; nominees for Treasurer, Bylaws Coordinator, and Councilor will be solicited when those positions are up for election. Further information about GODORT's elected positions can be found in the Policies and Procedures Manual (PPM).

Depository Library Council nominations

Each Fall, the Nominating Committee will solicit nominations for Depository Library Council members. Up to five individuals may be nominated for consideration by the ALA Executive Board, which will then forward the names of the candidates it approves to the Director of the U.S. Government Publishing Office. Candidates may either nominate themselves or be nominated by another ALA member. Recommendation by GODORT for appointment to the Depository Library Council in no way implies that an appointment will be made; all appointments are made by the Director of the U.S. Government Publishing Office. For further information, please visit the GPO's Depository Library Council page.

Depository Library Council nominations are evaluated by GODORT Steering Committee members on the following criteria:

  • Direct current experience relating to the Federal Depository Library Program
  • Regular attendance at state, regional, local or national professional meetings of documents librarians
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a group and to follow through on professional obligations
  • Knowledge of current information technologies
  • Familiarity with the current policies or operational issues relating to the Federal Depository Library Program

Candidates for nomination to the Depository Library Council by GODORT will be required to submit the following:

  • ALA membership number
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) that includes ALA, GODORT, state, local, and/or regional activities
  • A cover letter that includes:
    • A brief statement (no more than 500 words) of how the candidate fits the GODORT selection criteria
    • A brief statement (no more than 500 words) of why the candidate would be an effective member of the Depository Library Council