Nominations & Awards Committee

List of Committee Members

Purpose, Membership, and Duties

Purpose: To assure continuity in leadership in MAGIRT by seeking, identifying and securing candidates to run for elected offices, and to determine recipients for MAGIRT awards and scholarships, including presenting the awards to recipients at the ALA Annual Conference.

Membership: MAGIRT Vice-Chair, Chair and Past Chair. The Past Chair serves as Chair of the Committee.

Duties: The Committee is responsible for identifying officer candidates from the membership, including placing calls for officers in base line and other appropriate avenues i.e., MAPS-L, GOVDOC-L, etc. The committee will provide a slate of new officer candidates to the Executive Board for review during the Midwinter Meeting and ensure that the candidates are included in the ALA general elections.

The committee is also responsible for nominating and/or choosing MAGIRT-sponsored Emerging Leader candidates and other scholarship candidates based on the guidelines provided by ALA or the sponsoring organization.

The committee is responsible for determining recipients of the MAGIRT award, to be presented at the Annual Conference. The committee chair is responsible for preparing or securing the awards themselves (i.e. having certificates printed or trophies made). Awards are usually given at the last business or membership meeting of the annual conference, or at the MAGIRT reception.

Meetings: All meetings of the Nominations and Awards Committee are closed.

Revised 10/24/2012