Notable Films for Adults

Have you seen an amazing film or video lately? Not a feature film, but a documentary or video of a performance, an educational title, or a how-to instructional video, geared toward an adult audience. If so, we need you!

In 1998, the Video Round Table established the Notable Videos for Adults list (now, Notable Films for Adults), as a means of providing guidance to public and academic librarians involved in building dynamic and balanced film & video collections for an adult clientele. The list recognizes the growing number and enormous diversity of documentaries, educational and instructional titles, and performance works for adults available. We hope that librarians will use the lists to help them identify and select the best offerings in that audiovisual marketplace.

Each year a committee composed of FMRT members selects up to fifteen of the best documentary, educational, performance, or how-to titles released on video during the previous and current calendar years. The committee makes its selections in conjuction with ALA's January conference, and publicizes its selections at that time.

We need your suggestions! If you are a librarian and not directly affiliated with a video producer or distributor, you can suggest titles for the committee's consideration. You need not be a FMRT member to nominate titles.

Nomination does not indicate endorsement by the Committee.