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New YALSA Report! "Transforming Library Services for and with Teens through Continuing Education." Read about how improving continuing education for library staff can help transform library services! https://tinyurl.com/YALSA-TransformingthruCE. Followed by the logos for COSLA, IMLS and YALSA. The report cover displays next to the text.

Read the report

YALSA in partnership with the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA) brought together state library agency (SLA) youth consultants with thought leaders for a year-long National Forum on Transforming Teen Services Through Continuing Education.

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YALSA is a subspecialty of the American Library Association, a 501c3 nonprofit. All proceeds from the sale of YALSA products and publications go towards advancing YALSA's mission and towards supporting services for members.