MAGIRT Publications

List of publications from MAGIRT


base line - 1981 to present - The MAGIRT newsletter; includes meeting minutes and the comic “Great Moments in Map Librarianship” by Jim Coombs.

Recent Publications

Electronic Publications Series

  1. Helpful Hints for Small Map Collections. Mary Larsgaard and Katherine Rankin, 1997
  2. Electronic Maps and Geographic Information Systems. Margaret Brill, 1997
  3. Metadata Primer for Map Librarians, 2001
  4. Helpful Hints for the Paperless Map Librarian. David Y. Allen, 2004
  5. Map Imaging Service Providers.David Y. Allen, 2004
  6. A Guide to the Cartographic Products of the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). Michele Shular, 2006
  7. Map,GIS and Cataloging /Metadata Librarian Core Competencies MAGERT Education Committee and subcommittees on GIS Librarian Core Competencies, Map Librarian Core Competencies, Cataloging and Metadata Core Competencies, 2008. This document was revised in 2012 to comply with accessibility standards.
  8. Map Collection Security Guidelines. MAGERT Task Force on Security for Cartographic Resources, 2010
  9. GIS in EVERY Library: Making it Happen - The Top 5 GIS Resources from our panelists and MAGERT Board Members, 2010
  10. There's a Map for That! Maps and tools you did not know about; handout from the MAGIRT Program presented June 25, 2011
  11. The Founding of ALA's Map and Geography Roundtable. Katherine H. Weimer, 2011
  12. Volunteered Geographic Information: Selected Web Resources. Cynthia Dietz and Joy Suh, 2012
  13. Guidelines for Cataloging Cartographic Resources Using RDA. Prepared by the Map and Geospatial Information Round Table Cataloging and Classification Committee’s Task Force on Best Practices, 2020
  14. Mapping and Geospatial Resources from the Federal Depository Library Program. Compiled by John A. Olson, Jan. 2019

Print Publications Series

Cartographic Citations: a Style Guide. Second edition. By Christine Kollen, Wangyal Shawa & Mary Larsgaard, 2010. (ISBN 978-0-8389-8556-4). Available from the ALA Store, $20.
Canadian customers, please use CLA Store.

Great Moments in Map Librarianship: cartoons from the first 30 years of base line. By Jim Coombs, 2010. (ISBN 978-0-8389-8555-7). Available from the ALA Store, $40.
Or $35 by sending a check made out to MAGIRT to Michael L. Smith, The Library, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, 0175R, La Jolla, CA 92093-0175, 858-534-1248.

Inactive/ceased publications

MAGIRT Map Scanning Registry

The Map Scanning Registry website has been taken down. It was available for 14 years and has outlived its usefulness, is not comprehensive, and there are other sources available with the same information. The underlying database, entry form, and final report are available to view and download from the ALA Institutional Repository at

Any questions, contact Chris Kollen at

Coordinates - Series A: original, peer-reviewed articles & B: essays & other short pieces. 2005 - 2011 Online journal of MAGIRT

Circulars. 1992-1996

No. 1 Cartographic Citations--A Style Guide
1992 ISBN 0-8389-7821-5 $10.00
No. 2 Index to the Library of Congress "G" Schedule--A Map and Atlas Classification Aid 1996 $25.00

Committee Publications 2002-2008
Publications from various committees. Continued by Electronic Publication Series.

Selected GIS Data Sites for Individual States, 2002

Guide to U.S. Map Resources. 3rd edition. 2006, $80.00 (ISBN 0-8108-5268-3)

Guides to GIS and Other Computerized Mapping Products, 2001

Final Report of the MAGERT CCC Task Force on Using Dublin Core for Cartographic Materials, 2001

Rare, Antiquarian, or Just Plain Old: Cataloging Pre-Twentieth Century Cartographic Resources : a MAGERT Pre-Conference. Washington, D.C.: MAGERT, 2007.

Sources of Demographic Data on the Web, 2001

The West Indies and Florida to 1900: An Annotated Carto-Bibliography 1995. (ISBN 0-8389-0547-1)


no.1-16 (1989-1999)

A multi-disciplinary, scholarly journal devoted to the study of the design, production, use, storage and retrieval, and history of information recorded in the cartographic format. Ceased with no.16 (1999).

Occasional Paper Series. 1986-1993
Papers presented at past & future ALA MAGERT conferences; refereed (per July 11, 1982 Executive Committee Meeting minutes). Last published in 1993

  1. Exploration and Mapping of the American West, Selected Essays
    1986 $20.00 ISBN 0-932757-01-4
  2. A Guide to Historical Map Resources for Greater New York
    1988 $15 ISBN 0-932757-02-2
  3. Mapping the Transmississippi West, 1540-1861: An Index to the Cartobibliography
    1992 $35.00 ISBN 0-932757-03
  4. Exploration and Mapping of the National Parks
    1993 $40.00 ISBN 0-932757-04-9

Open File Reports. 1986-1994
On-demand photocopies (in paper covers) which are provided as a service to the map library community. Titles are generally of an ephemeral nature, or are too focused or specialized to warrant general distribution as formal publications. Ceased in 1994; continued by Electronic Publication Series.

No. 86-1. Vick, Nancy, J. Guide to U.S. Map Resources: A Personal Name Index. 1986. 16 sheets. $1.60.

No. 86-2. Sunnen, Linda, and Daniel O. Holmes. Map Room Acquistion Procedures: University of California, Berkeley: A Systems Analysis. 1984. 36 sheets. $3.60. (An introductory examination of the problems, with suggested solutions)

No. 86-3. County Coordinates (4-corner latitude/longitude; degrees and minutes)

No. 86-4 Vick, Nancy J. Latin America Cutter List: First and Second Order Administrative Divisions. August 1988. 30 leaves. $3.00. (An expansion of the Library of Congress "G" classification schedule; excludes Mexico).

No. 86-5 Cobb, David A., United States Coordinates, 1986 , (4-corner latitude/longitude for each state--degrees and minutes)

No. 86-7 Sample Map Workforms for M.A.R.C. Input. 8 sheets (some printed on both sides). Locally devised OCLC, RLIN, and UTLAS input workforms.) $1.50.

No. 88-1 Loeffler, Robert P. and Nancy Kandoian, An English Translation of Words Abbreviated in Ritter's Lexikon

No. 88-2 MAGERT Alphabetical Membership List. January 1990. Please check for price and date of most recent update.

No. 88-3 Lorrain, Janice and Jim Coombs (with a "tip o' the hat" to Charles A. Seavey). A Map Index to the LC "G" schedule. 1988, rev. 1990. 23 leaves. $2.30. (A new, expanded, and improved set of base maps showing place names and "G" schedule 4-digit area numbers.)

No. 89-1 Holmer, Heidi. U.S. National Parks and Forests Cutter List, Including National Historical Parks and Wilderness Areas. 1989. 21 leaves. $2.10. (This OFR is periodically updated to include new parks, forests, and wilderness areas.)

No. 92-1 Kollen, Christine. Geographic Cutter List for Mexico: Regions, Districts and Towns and Cities. 1992. 17 leaves. $1.70.

No. 92-2 Coombs, Jim. Great Moments in Map Librarianship: The First Ten Years of Cartoons. 1992. 30 leaves. $3.00.

No. 94-1 Thiry, Christopher JJ. USSR 1:200,000 Index. 1994. 64 leaves. $6.40.

For orders or questions, please contact Michael L. Smith, The Library, University of California, San Diego, 9500 Gilman Drive, 0175R, La Jolla, CA 92093-0175, 858-534-1248.

Revised 12/8/2020