AASL Publications for AASL Chapter Events

As a benefit of your AASL Chapter status, you have the opportunity to offer AASL publications to your members at discounted rates. This AASL Chapters Publication Program has four tiers to select from in order to fit seamlessly into your conference or event.

With all four tiers, AASL will provide you with order forms and/or a customized presentation slide that can be used to promote the publications program to your conference/event attendees.

Tier One

The first two tiers allow AASL Chapters to offer conference/event attendees the largest selection of AASL publications with the greatest discount. By participating in these tiers, conference/event attendees can purchase all titles at the AASL member price regardless of their AASL membership.

How does tier one work?
AASL Chapters take orders and payments in advance. (Consider setting up an order form as part of your conference/event registration.) Three weeks before the event, the Chapter submits a consolidated order form and payment to AASL. The products are then mailed to the Chapter for sorting and distribution at the conference/event.

Tier Two

Similar to tier one, tier two also allows conference/event attendees to purchase all titles at the AASL member price regardless of their AASL membership. However, the timing of order and payment collection differs.

How does tier two work?
AASL Chapters take orders and payments during the conference/event. Post event, a consolidated order and payment are submitted to AASL. The products are then mailed to the Chapter for sorting and distribution.

Tier Three

Tier three minimizes the organization undertaken by the AASL Chapter, but also offers fewer titles at AASL member prices.

How does tier three work?
AASL Chapters collect individual orders and payments (including a shipping fee) onsite at the conference/event on a limited list of AASL publications. The list will contain five titles – three selected by AASL and two selected by the chapter. (Consider your conference theme, presenters, or the needs of school librarians in your state.) At the end of conference, the orders and payments are sent in one batch to AASL for processing. Titles are then shipped directly to each of the conference/event attendees. Please note: National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries is not eligible for inclusion in this tier.

Tier Four

Tier four allows the AASL Chapter to be hands-off, but also provides the smallest discount on a limited book list to conference/event attendees.

How does tier four work?
AASL will arrange for the AASL Chapter to have a coupon code in place for the entirety of the conference/event as well as seven days post event. This coupon code is good for 10% off a preset list of AASL publications. (If the conference/event attendee is an ALA and/or AASL member, the 10% discount is stackable with their membership discount.) Conference/event attendees can redeem the coupon code via the online ALA store, or on phone, fax, and email orders. Please note: National School Library Standards for Learners, School Librarians, and School Libraries is not included in this tier.