Questionnaires for alumni and employers

External Review Panelists have developed various questionnaires to survey alumnae and employers of alumnae. Off-site panel members often take up this task because it can be accomplished electronically. Here are samples that can be adapted and used.

Alumni questionnaire


I am [Name], a member of the American Library Association’s accreditation panel (External Review Panel) reviewing the [Master of ?] program for [School] at [Institution]. I have been given your name by [School] as a graduate. I would like to ask you some questions. I can call you if you’d like or you can return this questionnaire to me by email at [email address]. If you would like to call me, I am at [phone #].


Year graduated:

Location program was offered:

  • Did the program prepare you for . . .
    • Your first job?
    • Your current job?
  • Have you been involved in continuing education? If yes, through what program?
  • What have proved to be the most helpful things you learned in your master’s program?
  • What did you learn that is most applicable (useful, most vital) to your current position?
  • What course or courses do you wish you had taken or been offered?
  • Were you able to construct a coherent program of study?
  • Could you specialize in your area of interest?
  • What led you to choose [Institution]?
  • Would you still make that same decision?
  • Did [Institution] meet your expectations?
    • Why?
    • Why not?
  • Are you involved with the school in any way now?
    • Curriculum review?
    • Accreditation review?
    • Selection of the dean or faculty members?
  • Did you receive course and career counseling?
  • a. Did you have input into your course of study?
  • b. Did you have a particular faculty advisor?
  • How would you rate the advising process?
  • Was the school helpful in getting a job?
  • Do you continue to interact with your advisor?
  • Do you consider the advisor a mentor?
  • Did you use the placement services offered at [Institution]?
  • Were faculty members in your program approachable?
  • Did you feel they were experts in their field?
  • Did they share their own research with you?

Employer questionnaire


I am [Name], a member of the American Library Association’s accreditation panel (External Review Panel) reviewing the [Master of ?] program in the [School] at [Institution]. I have been given your name by [School] as an employer of their graduates. I would like to ask you some questions. I can call you if you’d like or you can return this questionnaire to me by email at [email address]. If you would like to call me, I am at [phone #].



  • How many [Institution] graduates have you hired in the past five years?
  • Did you use the [Institution] placement services? What was your experience with that?
  • Have you been satisfied with [Institution] graduates as employees?
  • How long were these graduates in your employ?
  • Have they been promoted within your institution?
  • Why did they leave?
  • Did [Institution] graduates come to you with sufficient library skills and understanding of your job needs?
    • What were their strengths?
  • What were their weaknesses?
  • Did graduates have sufficient technology background?
  • Have they been able to learn and adapt to new technologies?
  • Are they receptive to them?
  • What other training do you wish they had received?
  • How have [Institution] graduates contributed to the profession?
    • To your organization?
    • To the community?
    • To professional associations?