AASL Chapter Assembly Resolutions

Guidelines for Preparation

Definition: A resolution is a motion, phrased formally, with (a) Whereas clauses, stating the background and reasons for a proposed action, followed by (b) Resolved clauses in numbered order stating the proposed action).

Resolutions are used to bring forward two types of requests to the AASL Board of Directors for consideration. These are:

  1. Resolution requesting action be taken by the AASL Chapter Assembly or AASL Board of Directors (formally called a Statement of Concern).
  2. Resolution commending a program, event, or product (formally called a Statement of Commendation).


  1. A resolution must be complete so that, upon passage, it becomes a clear and formal expression of the opinion or will of the AASL Chapter Assembly.
  2. The resolution should address a specific topic or issue, use concise direct language, and present an affirmative identifiable action.
  3. The intent, objective or goal of the resolution should be clear and purposeful.
  4. Resolutions should clearly support AASL’s Strategic Plan, its mission, and/or its core values. One of the Whereas clauses should make clear this support.


  1. Any AASL Chapter Delegate may submit a Resolution on behalf of their AASL Chapter.
  2. Resolutions may only be submitted by official AASL Chapter Delegates.
  3. Additional AASL Chapters may sign on in support of a resolution via their official AASL Chapter Delegate.
  4. All resolutions must be submitted via the online AASL Chapter Resolution form (AASL website login required) and may be submitted at any time in the governance year (July 1 – June 30).
  5. Action Resolutions must be actionable requests and within the jurisdiction of the association.
    1. The AASL Chapter Coordinating Team will review all Action Resolutions and work with the submitters on refinements or additional information as needed.
    2. All Action Resolutions deemed complete and actionable by the AASL Chapter Coordinating Team will be presented for vote at the next official AASL Chapter Assembly.
    3. The AASL Chapter Assembly, through the official AASL Chapter Delegate(s) will vote whether to move Action Resolutions forward to the AASL Board of Directors for review and action.
  6. Commending Resolutions are limited to programs, events, or products and exclude individuals and AASL Chapters.
    1. The AASL Chapter Coordinating Team will review all Commending Resolutions and work with the submitters on refinements or additional information as needed.
    2. All Commending Resolutions submitted before May 15 and deemed complete and actionable by the AASL Chapter Coordinating Team will be presented for vote at the June meeting of the AASL Chapter Assembly.
    3. The AASL Chapter Assembly, through the official AASL Chapter Delegate(s), will vote whether to move Commending Resolutions forward to the AASL Board of Directors for review and action.
      1. All Commending Resolutions can be voted on as part of a consent agenda, or:
      2. An AASL Chapter Delegate can move to discuss a Commending Resolution before a vote is held.
        • The floor is open for discussion with ten minutes given to each commendation.
        • The assembly may vote for a five-minute extension, but a maximum of fifteen minutes will be given for each commendation removed for discussion.
        • At the end of the discussion, a vote will be held whether to move the singular Commending Resolution forward to the AASL Board of Directors for review and action.
  7. The AASL Chapter Chair will present to the AASL Board of Directors for consideration those Resolutions that were passed the AASL Chapter Assembly through a majority vote.
  8. The Director-At-Large, Chapters will report to the AASL Chapter Chair decisions or actions on Resolutions made by the AASL Board of Directors