Resume Review Service Committee of New Members Round Table (NMRT)

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Want a great resume?

The NMRT Resume Review Service is for you! Librarians from all types of libraries, with various specializations have volunteered to help you make your resume shine!

  • The year-round Resume Review Service via e-mail is available to all Find out more>>
  • The on-site Resume Review Service is open to anyone attending ALA 's Annual Conference or Midwinter Meeting. Interested? Find out more>>

Committee Roster

Job hunting?

Take a look at our Job Hunting Resource Guide for resume tips, interviewing tips, job sites, advice from HR librarians, and tips on those seldom discussed difficult decisions.

Looking for opportunities to mentor or volunteer?

Reviewing is a great mentoring opportunity! If you are a librarian with significant experience in HR, in the hiring process or on search committees, we'd love to hear from you. A little of your time can make a huge impact on a librarian's career. Find out more>>