SRRT Year in Review

SRRT Year in Review

A look back at SRRT activities!

2023-2024 (In Progress)

Date Event
August 9, 2023

The 4th Annual SRRT Afternoon of Social Justice free virtual event was a great success! Sessions included What Can U.S. Librarians Learn from Feminist Struggles in Ukraine, Sudan, and Iran?, Disability is Not a Bad Word, and Film Screening & Discussion: Boycott. (Note: no recording of the Boycott session was made due to copyright restrictions).

Screenshot from the Panel: What Can U.S. Librarians Learn from Feminist Struggles Against Imperialist Invasion in Ukraine, Military Wars in Sudan and Religious Fundamentalism in Iran?

July 13, 2023 SRRT hosted our first ever virtual book talk for the book Poverty, By America by Matthew Desmond! A recording of the main discussion can be viewed online (passcode: PeQ7.ZBP)


Date Event
June 25, 2023 Attendees learned about anti-boycott legislation in the Boycott film screening at the ALA Annual Conference
June 25, 2023 Our SRRT Coordinator met with attendees at the ODLOS Diversity Fair and handed out SRRT and Rise buttons.
June 24, 2023 SRRT hosted Trita Parsi for his talk, US-Iran Relations in the Biden Era, at the 2023 ALA Annual Conference.
Trita Parsi speaking at ALA Annual 2023
June 23, 2023 We saw lots of new faces at the All Task Force and Annual Membership meeting!
June 2023 SRRT introduced two resolutions at ALA Annual, both which were approved: Resolution on Maintaining Equitable In-Person Participation for All at ALA Membership Meetings and A Resolution Honoring the Life of Daniel Ellsberg. A third resolution, Resolution Against the "New Cold War," was passed by SRRT Action Council and sent to IRC for response.
June 2023

Dr. Michele Villagran was named winner of the second Herb Biblo Outstanding Leadership Award for Social Justice & Equality. This award recognizes an individual for outstanding leadership in promoting social justice and/or equality within the library profession. (press release)

Dr. Michele Villagran

May 2023 Action Council began working with the ALA Membership Office to create a coupon code (SRRTSTUDENT23) for free student membership to SRRT once the new due structure goes into place on September 1.
May 2023 Samantha May and Katherine Witzig were named winners of the 2023 SRRT Travel Grants that allowed them to attend the 2023 Annual Conference in Chicago, IL.
May 2023 The SRRT Membership Committee sent out a survey to LIS students to learn about student involvement in ALA and other library groups.
March 2023

Working with the ALA Archives, SRRT was able to add the last of the missing SRRT Newsletters to our Newsletter Archive. The archive now includes over 200 newsletter going all the way back to 1969.

Screenshot of the cover of SRRT Newsletter, issue 40

February 2023 In February, Action Council approved two new SRRT Committees: SRRT Programming Committee and Social Media & Web Committee.
January 29, 2023

The 24th Annual Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday Observance and Sunrise Celebration took place at LibLearnX in New Orleans, LA. The event featured selected passages from the works of Dr. King, a keynote address by author Sheryll Cashin, a call-to-action from Past ALA President, Julius C. Jefferson, Jr., and a tribute to Virginia "Ginny" Bradley Moore. (program book)

Mary Biblo Remembers Ginny Moore
Mary Biblo remembers Ginny Moore.

December 2022

Amanda He was selected as SRRT's 2023 Emerging Leader. The sponsorship consists of a $1000 award towards attendance at the LibLearnX virtual event and ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. Amanda worked on the Community Vote Survey and presented a poster at Annual with her group. (press release)

Amanda He

November 2022 Working with the ALA Archives, the last of the historic SRRT minutes were scanned and uploaded to the SRRT website. Minutes go all the way back to SRRT's founding notes in 1968!
November 14, 2022 Homelessness Summit - This day-long free virtual event featured six sessions. Speakers included librarians, social workers, and those with lived experiences. Recordings are available online!
October 2022 Working with ALA Archives, we were able to locate and scan most of our missing historic resolutions. Our Resolution Archive now contains over 250 resolutions dating back to 1969. When possible, additional information such as voting records, related minutes, and related policies are included.
August 3, 2022 SRRT Afternoon of Social Justice - This free virtual program featured two sessions: Paying Better Attention to Indigenous Communities and Neurodiversity in the Library.