Roald Dahl’s Miss Honey Social Justice Award
Sponsored by Penguin Young Readers, a division of Penguin Random House
Monetary Amount:
- $2,000 to the librarian
- up to $1,000 travel and housing reimbursement to attend the AASL Awards Ceremony
- $5,000 book donation by Penguin Random House
The application for this award is currently closed. The next award cycle will open on September 1, 2024, and will close on February 1, 2025.
2024 Recipient
"The First Amendment and the Freedom to Read”
Arlene Laverde, School Librarian, and Charlene Levi, Joshua Krinsky, and Chris Morrison, History Teachers
Townsend Harris High School
Flushing, New York
"Winning the AASL Roald Dahl's Miss Honey's Social Justice Award for our project "The First Amendment and the Freedom to Read" is a testament to our dedication in empowering students. Collaborating with the school library, we educate students on their First Amendment rights, emphasizing the importance of protecting their freedom to read by participating in government. This recognition validates our commitment to social justice and equipping students with the skills to defend their intellectual freedom."