State of America's Libraries Report 2023

State of America's Libraries 2023

In 2022, the global COVID-19 pandemic entered its third year; political, economic and digital divides grew; and book challenges and bans surged across the country. ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom tracked a record 1,269 book challenges, the highest number of demands to ban books reported since they began compiling data about censorship in libraries. But despite all these challenges, libraries thrived, pivoting to offer new and updated services to their communities. Adaptation and innovation shined in 2022, proving that there truly is “more to the story” at libraries.

2023 State of America's Libraries Report (PDF)

Cover: State of America's Libraries Special Report 2023, Libraries adapt and innovate in the midst of unprecedented challenges; A report from the American Library Association; Top 13 Most Challenged Books

Living in the shadow of a global pandemic and navigating our new normal, we have also continued to face unprecedented attempts to ban books and other assaults on the freedom to read. In the face of these changes and challenges, our libraries have found opportunity and our communities have shown that there’s more to the story for everyone.

—ALA President Lessa Kanani'opua Pelayo-Lozada

Press Release:
National Library Week kicks off with the highly anticipated annual list of Top 10 Most Challenged Books and State of America's Libraries Report

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