ACRL Strategic Planning

ACRL Plan for Excellence

In November 2019, the ACRL Board of Directors updated the ACRL Plan for Excellence originally effective July 1, 2011 and typically reviewed annually since. On January 28, 2022, the ACRL Board of Directors approved a fifth strategic goal area dedicated to Equity Diversity and Inclusion and approved the existing ACRL Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee as a goal-area committee. Seeking input from member stakeholders, a Board working group has been charged with drafting the Equity Diversity and Inclusion goals and objectives, which will be reviewed in June 2022.

Development and Review of the Strategic Plan

The ACRL Plan for Excellence was developed with significant member input and informed by the latest available trend data. At the ALA Midwinter Meeting and ALA Annual Conference in 2010, the ACRL Leadership Council identified challenges facing academic librarianship and prioritized areas for action. These conversations along with Futures Thinking for Academic Librarians, the 2010 Top Ten Trends in Academic Libraries and The Value of Academic Libraries: A Comprehensive Research Review and Report, as well as the 2010 Strategic Plan Activities Report, informed the strategic plan development process.

The ACRL Board of Directors dedicated its fall 2010 Strategic Planning and Orientation Session to drafting a new strategic plan. The ACRL Board accomplished the goal of creating a focused and streamlined plan in drafting the ACRL Plan for Excellence. ACRL members were invited to provide feedback to the ACRL Board of Directors via an online survey and during table discussions at the 2011 Midwinter Leadership Council Session. The Board adopted the ACRL Plan for Excellence on April 20, 2011, to be effective July 1, 2011.

Since 2011, the ACRL Board of Directors has regularly conducted an environmental scan and reviewed and amended the Plan for Excellence to reflect environmental changes. The Board of Directors also regularly seeks input from the membership through membership surveys and engagement with member leaders at the biannual Leadership Councils. Based on these regular reviews, the ACRL Board of Directors has approved the updates included in the below versions.

In March 2016, the Board approved a revised Plan for Excellence that included a new goal, New Roles and Changing Landscapes, and updated the objectives in October 2016. The Board again reviewed the Plan for Excellence during its fall 2017 SPOS meeting, and approved revised objectives in October 2017. The Board added equity, diversity, and inclusion as a signature initiative in 2018 and the Board developed language for the Plan for Excellence and signature initiative at SPOS 2018. On November 18, 2018, the Board approved the addition of the Core Commitment to Equity, Diversity and Inclusion to the Plan for Excellence.

On January 28, 2022, the ACRL Board of Directors approved a fifth strategic goal area dedicated to Equity Diversity and Inclusion and approved the existing ACRL Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee as a goal-area committee. Seeking input from member stakeholders, a Board working group was charged with drafting the Equity Diversity and Inclusion goals and objectives. At the one-day Strategic Planning and Orientation Session (SPOS), held in-person on June 23, 2022, during the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, DC, ACRL Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee 2021-2022 Chair Maisha Carey facilitated a discussion with Board members and senior staff to help develop the new EDI goal and objectives. During August and early September 2023, the EDI Committee held five committee meetings, where work was completed on the new goal and objectives. At the October 11, 2022 ACRL Fall Board Virtual Meeting, the Board discussed the proposed goal and objectives. These were further refined and the Board approved the goal and objectives during an asynchronous virtual vote held November 2, 2022 to November 8, 2022.

Approved Revisions

Implementation and Assessment

ACRL's strategic planning process continues with the development of annual work plans for each of the goal areas and quarterly reports articulating progress. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for ACRL’s enabling programs are developed and reported to help the Board evaluate these programs. All ACRL Division-level committees are charged by the Board with advancing ACRL's strategic goal areas or enabling programs and services. Through the Annual Work Plan Process, the Board guides and assesses ACRL's progress in implementing the ACRL Plan for Excellence.