IFRT Strategic Plan 2019-2022

IFRT Strategic Plan 2019-2022

This plan was created by the ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee (2018-2019). They undertook a member survey, a SWOT analysis, member conversations, and discussions over the course of the year to identify future development opportunities for IFRT.

Speaking Our Minds

IFRT will establish a brand that is nimble, responsive, and a clear and consistent voice on intellectual freedom and association issues.

  • Actively pursue opportunities to talk about and advocate for intellectual freedom
  • Develop a leadership mindset of active engagement.
  • Establish a consistent presence in internal association discussions that puts forward the unique viewpoint of IFRT

Internal Advocacy

IFRT will distinguish itself from other IF-related groups inside ALA and will fight for the continued importance of round tables as ALA evolves.

  • Strongly advocate for the continued viability and importance of round tables during ALA restructuring
  • Create partnerships with groups outside the intellectual freedom ecosystem, especially in the areas of social justice and EDI
  • Appoint liaisons to all parts of the organization to facilitate better communication and partnerships.

Member Services

IFRT will create services, resources, and opportunities to create a more informed and engaged membership.

  • Empower members to create resources (e.g. toolkits, videos) for use by library practitioners to further intellectual freedom on the ground
  • Develop member engagement opportunities beyond conferences (trainings, virtual meetings, regional meet-ups, etc.)
  • Institute a plan for more consistent member communication throughout the year.

Financial Health

IFRT will continue its legacy of strong financial health, utilizing its resources to extend the scope of member services and the continuance of legacy activities.

  • Ensure the long-term viability of the Hodges, Imroth, and Oboler Awards, to include exploring the option of a dedicated endowment.
  • Expand IFRT membership by using financial resources to increase membership benefits and offer free/reduced price memberships to targeted groups (e.g. non-members, students)